Tags : Person

The Quiet Person

The Quiet Person

A Poem by Kimberly Miller

The Quiet Person sits, in a room of people No one to talk to, no one acknowledged by Although not alone in body, still alone in mind The Quiet P..
The Mirror

The Mirror

A Poem by Emily

Who is this other person?
Made For You

Made For You

A Poem by Rachael

Something I realized, then denied, then realized again.


A Poem by gabiaimee

Can people be medication?
This is called: Why am I awake

This is called: Why am I awake

A Poem by pepe le pew

A nocturnal existence
Eyes Wide Open

Eyes Wide Open

A Story by erinwrites

A short story about a man, his true love and what he would do to protect it. I entered this in a local contest earlier this year and just recently m..
If Something Disappears...

If Something Disappears...

A Story by Katherine P. Haley

Two years after her son's disappearance, Lilly Green has lost hope that he is alive. She just wants peace.
Neighbour Queen Madrid

Neighbour Queen Madrid

A Poem by Breanna Snapson

Who is she?


A Chapter by blackcayne

It was spring... Yes, I loved spring.
Alone Together.

Alone Together.

A Story by reru

Two lovers go out for a day alone together. They weren't alone.
The Lost One

The Lost One

A Poem by Elvy-decoo

When you lose, what's lost
A Man at the Edge of Abyss

A Man at the Edge of Abyss

A Poem by Abhigyan

A small tribute to the senior citizens of the world.
Something About a Person with Wings

Something About a Person with Wings

A Book by Tandom

Angels choose to end their eternity with a one way trip through humanity as their end. Matt and friends discover a way to help humanity on their own t..
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Tandom

Could you imagine tight pains in your back for ten straight hours, an hour break, and then have family time with that same pain? What about the sam..


A Poem by Gemini

There's always that one person, the one always by your side, the one who stays with you, even if your wings are broken, and you can't fly. Ther..
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Tandom

By the time I got to the gym it was crowded with students. Lines leading up to coaches went from them to a random direction away. The girl walked o..

Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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