Tags : stress

The Battle of a Tainted Mind

The Battle of a Tainted Mind

A Story by Ren Black

Work In Progress


A Poem by Will

"Are you ok?" is a loaded question, and answering truthfully ain't my intention. I'm never ok; can't you read what I write? I tell truth t..
Academic Advice

Academic Advice

A Poem by Emma W.

I’m 45 minutes early To meet with my Honors advisor. The receptionist grimaces when I tell her this, ..
Work  Death

Work Death

A Poem by Ang

A poem created out of frustration.


A Poem by lilrissriss

No stress No worries No priorities No problems A drug For the weakened A codependent For the addicted A high For the blazed Tiredness..
Man in the Mirror

Man in the Mirror

A Poem by Vasseli

Man in the Mirror When you gaze at the mirror, what do you see? Someone I barely know, looking back at me They look familiar this much is ..


A Poem by Trivén

A slightly sarcastic humorous view on stress.
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Writing Freak

Normal high school teenage boy deals with the problems of not talking to his crush (a guy who he used to talk to every single day) during class time.
No one will win the war

No one will win the war

A Poem by Dejene

CacophonyI hear the roarStop the screamingYell no moreI Hate arguingPlease ignoreThe smart remarksThat are of galoreI hate arguingI hate the screamsTh..
Fruit flavored Relief

Fruit flavored Relief

A Poem by Maya

I just got home from a hookah bar and wrote down what came to mind as I got in bed. I havent felt so much like myself in a while since developing anxi..
Chapter 3 -Scanning-

Chapter 3 -Scanning-

A Chapter by Jacob

Peter is in the secondary part of the the tests which he encounters at the Reformation District. This test is the Scanning, it the most personal and d..
The river puzzle

The river puzzle

A Poem by Trivén

The river of time and the puzzle of life, and their relation.


A Poem by SilverFish

Small portions of panic over small bagatelles, and paranoia.
Dark wind

Dark wind

A Poem by Fire Heart

I'm dark not loud I'm sad not happy my life drowns in the Wind the dark wind it flies by me so fast its the dark wind I'm dying thats how it feels/hur..