Tags : Flight

Tales Of A Lost Pegasus

Tales Of A Lost Pegasus

A Book by Gabriel W. Phoenix

This is a series of short stories formed into chapters of a long expedition of a young pony who has lost his parents.
Microstory 189: Levi Jacobson

Microstory 189: Levi Jacobson

A Story by Nick Fisherman

This is an experimental Bellevue Profile microstory. The introduction can be found in Microstory 101. More to follow.
Microstory 195: Vilhelm Kardos

Microstory 195: Vilhelm Kardos

A Story by Nick Fisherman

This is an experimental Bellevue Profile microstory. The introduction can be found in Microstory 101. More to follow.


A Poem by armin

A fantasy poem, revolves around a dream, all imaginative but surely it has a deep meaning.
The Time To Fly

The Time To Fly

A Poem by Bohrium Guy

Expression of flight
Day 1

Day 1

A Chapter by Vasco De Mello

Day 1 Entry 1: The journey before me is filled with eagerly awaited surprises. I do have interesting sights I wish to quench my curiosity with, but w..
My Very Own Airplane

My Very Own Airplane

A Poem by EnglishMajor55

Imagination has no borders
Secret of an Eagle

Secret of an Eagle

A Poem by Treylee

Its amazing what you can learn from listening to nature.


A Poem by Elvy-decoo

Ashes to dust
A Voice called Hope

A Voice called Hope

A Chapter by killatwix

Keller awakes only to find himself reentering a world of death, terror, and madness but he finds an unexpected companion in the most trying of moments


A Book by Boniface

a regular flight from hongkong
CIO: PA 911

CIO: PA 911

A Story by Aravind Raju

CIO Team investigates through the case of a missing flight. Find out how a chain of events lead to this mystery.
Black Sparrow

Black Sparrow

A Poem by Reyna Malone

Another song that I can't think of a tune for.
Dreamer's Flight

Dreamer's Flight

A Poem by Celie Rose

Message of hope, peace and goodwill


A Poem by Blu Walters

My 1st post on here. Can't wait to grow with y'all
Let Me Fly

Let Me Fly

A Poem by bardd

Influenced by Pearl Jam's "Given to Fly" a little