Tags : Gothic

inches for eternity

inches for eternity

A Poem by Nickzilla617

this is a story about being a nerd. What it trully means to be one of us. How horrible it really is. Society being the cruelest of them all
Nostalgia - Fragments of Lost Days From Before

Nostalgia - Fragments of Lost Days From Before

A Poem by L0v3craft

An old piece I did back when I was [i think] 16 or 17. Cleaned it up a bit :]


A Poem by Nickzilla617

Being a kid who grew up on cold war movies, i made a poem about what nuclear war means to me. Even though i was born 3 years after it's end, i can sti..
Crazy in the coconut

Crazy in the coconut

A Story by Beau-dee-loot

“Good evening, we haven’t seen you in a while, Kristin, where have you been, hiding?” “I’ve been around, yeah; d..
The Death's Head Clown

The Death's Head Clown

A Poem by Gigglez

The memories of a tortured child...
The Zombie Queen

The Zombie Queen

A Poem by Gigglez

This is about an old RP character I had at one point.
A Demonic Obsession

A Demonic Obsession

A Poem by Gigglez

The thoughts of a Shade as she comes to the dwelling of a Vampire she has been stalking...
Silver Knight

Silver Knight

A Poem by Susan Jankowski

Just a poem I wrote. I'm not going to say anything about it because I don't want to effect what you think this poem could mean.
A Lament for Mr. Poe

A Lament for Mr. Poe

A Poem by Gigglez

R.I.P Edgar Allan Poe. Taken from old account.
Farragos of illusion by artistic depression

Farragos of illusion by artistic depression

A Poem by Fréyjä Helvit..

Frolicsome creatures upon grassy meadowsCreepish forlorn dead trees that bellowsBeyond the threshold and yonder the glenLies Elysian mysteries of ..


A Poem by Joe Gibson

was asked if i'd rather know when I died or not know when I died. The exercise was to describe your choice in how you would change your perspective,..


A Book by Aaron Shively

Young Melda Spaldur's childhood ends abruptly as her family arrives in Voltursburg, high in the Northlands. Who is the man in the darkness, behind the..
Harsh Lands

Harsh Lands

A Chapter by Aaron Shively

What horrors does Voltursburg hold for the Spaldur siblings?