Tags : destruction

Sleeping Giant

Sleeping Giant

A Poem by Raven Starhawk

Lord and savior; the almighty dollar Peace and serenity; complying with tyranny The crusade on American gun proprietors has commenced Col..
I'm not your Role Model

I'm not your Role Model

A Poem by HidingBehindTaylor

I've seen the emptiness of glass three-hundred and sixty five days.This once.Sixteen hours, on the hour.With only three hours of sleep.Four droopy lin..


A Poem by Verin

We're given a lot of information in our lifetimes and it is often conflicting. I wrote this in an attempt to discuss the way Western society has const..
Change Or Destruction?

Change Or Destruction?

A Poem by BryanaBear

Destroying your life Starts at the same place as Changing it.
A 4 Letter word For Lost

A 4 Letter word For Lost

A Poem by BryanaBear

Is it bad, that I live..Life is a day to day thing for me.Is it bad, that I love,Maybe More than one...One Day I love him,And the next I love the othe..
Reconciliation, Reformation, Restoration

Reconciliation, Reformation, Restoration

A Poem by Somiena

A poem based loosely on a scene from one of the books in the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan (I say loosely because it might as well not be base..
Your absence

Your absence

A Story by Lupus Kaos

A short story about my death
A World's Destiny

A World's Destiny

A Poem by Duncan

heavens rumble, by play of ancient gods, an' power unbound earth's scarred face, tells tale of Natures true force... darkened sk..
Self Destruct

Self Destruct

A Poem by BryanaBear

Burning blood,I can feel the fire inside.Its been raging,sparks flying...Fighting to get out.If it wasn't love,there would be a bloody pulp.A mess I w..


A Poem by Graveyardfuck

The remains of society have become glorified by those who wish not to face the cruel reality.
Symphony of Destruction - The Fourth Movement (Ashes of the Fallen)

Symphony of Destruction - The Fourth Movement (Ash..

A Poem by Undying Glory

The conclusion of the Symphony of Destruction series, my fantasy caricature on wars today. Hope you like it!!
Kiss Kiss Fist Fight

Kiss Kiss Fist Fight

A Poem by CarcinogenicDreams

You're the drum beat in my chestHands shakingBones breakingKnuckles scrapedThroat bleeding dryBecause fist fights in the fire lightAre too romantic to..
THE CRY OF THE EARTH (a cry for the earth)

THE CRY OF THE EARTH (a cry for the earth)

A Poem by Avinash Nagaraj

Its not just a poem, its a call for humanity!
The Player and the Ball

The Player and the Ball

A Poem by Schira

The truth behind every player and his need to score- as related to football and the world of love and loss.