Tags : emptiness

Children of Lost Passion

Children of Lost Passion

A Poem by D.L

Children of Lost Passion We’re mindlessly smart We always hit the bullseye But we always miss our mar..


A Poem by Ponderer Panda

Empty, what else can I possibly say?


A Poem by Lyanna Anne Maigold

This is something I wrote in one of my darker times. It is about the moments, when you feel so empty, that you think even the worst rage, sadness or p..


A Poem by Prakruti

Pain - you are not by my side
Milky sky -2-

Milky sky -2-

A Poem by Sugar Plum ♥

feeling, lonely, emptiness
Her Dark and Evil Beauty II

Her Dark and Evil Beauty II

A Poem by Samuel Pennell

She was dark cloud-hearted,And she possessed an evil beautyDark lashes and browsAnd of course dark brown eyes thatAnd although dark cloudswere billowi..
Her Dark and Evil Beauty I

Her Dark and Evil Beauty I

A Poem by Samuel Pennell

She was dark cloud-hearted,And possessed an evil sort of beautyShe had dark eyelashes, dark brows,And, of course, dark brown eyesHer hearthad dark clo..
In the Many Gifts

In the Many Gifts

A Poem by Alfred Kukitz

Xmas Season


A Poem by Justateddyberry

Sometimes, I feel that we live in a translucent world.


A Poem by Suce Me Bite

Not exactly a poem, at least not in the traditional sense. It's not written in the style of a poem.
when I can no longer drink you in

when I can no longer drink you in

A Poem by Ak Oldman

When time comes to never be able to drink you in, what will I do? Will I have to find a new cup to sip from? Will I give up drinking? Can I ever ..


A Poem by Joe Williams

I feel empty inside. It’s this hole I can’t fill Not with music nor friends, It’s like being ill. It’s like al..
Pour Me That Drink

Pour Me That Drink

A Poem by Roshan Nair

A tired evenings musing


A Poem by Marcia.no

Not really a poem but an extract; an idea. Monologue. A thought of the literal meaning of common expressions. We need them to explain things which ar..
Paper Hearts

Paper Hearts

A Book by jay

Darren's life is falling apart as pieces of his broken past resurface, and his search for closure soon turns to a search for anything to numb the pain..
not here

not here

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

emptiness of cyber space
Vintage Recordings of Montages of Farewells

Vintage Recordings of Montages of Farewells

A Poem by Kat Marie

Just like women, emptiness and anxiety can come in all different shapes and sizes...