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Can't F**k A Porcupine

Can't F**k A Porcupine

A Poem by J. R.

I am so sorry for writing this.
Spoken Word :Anger

Spoken Word :Anger

A Poem by NotEasilyBroken

I realized today that What anger really was and how it controlled my everyday life soo...I had to speak on it.
Karma's A B*****d

Karma's A B*****d

A Poem by Ruminating Archaeologist

I was such a jerk in 7th grade...I'm glad I changed.


A Chapter by Prodogee

A young night elf by the name of Prodogee can't choose a side, so she doesn't. She works for both the horde and the alliance, and has no friends.. no ..
A Wind Named Amnesia Anime Movie Review

A Wind Named Amnesia Anime Movie Review

A Story by Carrie Ott

A spoiler-free review of A Wind Named Amnesia. I simply critique the plot, characters, etc. A CHRISTIAN EVALUATION IS INCLUDED at the end, for some vi..
The Blood Cross

The Blood Cross

A Chapter by Prodogee

Prodogee, the young Night Elf whom no one knows and loves, doesnt have any friends nor allys until she meets a young human and her two friends, a youn..
~Galaxy Wishes~

~Galaxy Wishes~

A Poem by LanternBounty

~ Why shouldn't I believe, follow my dreams? Am I not worthy, as it seems? I want my wishes, my own chance. I see all these stars around me danc..