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About Me

My government Name is Keturah
its hebrew P: And means Fragrance (:

Yes Im one of those people who is madly obsessed with music.

Yes I hate writing about me sections cause it means I have to actually explain to you in words me without coming off as boring or overly happy.

*Yawn* Im truly a fun funny sunny person but I just get sooo drab when it comes to these.

Oh btw Im black/mexican/Native American! But that doesnt mean I love Chicken and Tacos!

Lols Tacos are okay and fried chicken is disgusting unless its in wing form ;D YUM!

Im rambling now soooo just spank me and call me your baby cause Im done!

Aye aye aye aye! LegggooOOO! whooo!

- K<3


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Posted 11 Years Ago

Hey :)

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Hey girl(:
Just wanted to say thanks for the reviews. About it ending with a bang, I hope you think so. I'm really proud of that story though, so here's hoping *crosses fingers* :D