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Tags : Authentic

Sound Soul

Sound Soul

A Poem by S.K

We enter into a darkness involuntary,a place where we receive our most beautiful scars,a place where we discover the sound soulthat we nakedly are.
Warmed Soul

Warmed Soul


The feeling overwhelmsand yet, sits well.Happiness killing the blackthat coated your shell.Who knew they could warm your souland make you want to be m..
The Writer Wrote

The Writer Wrote

A Poem by Drcicarlo

In her eyes the world started off small and to her surpriseit was a sin to grow oldAge wasn't the purpose of her discovery, rather than the wisdom tha..
Say Whiskey!

Say Whiskey!

A Poem by Drcicarlo

My grandfather, who recently passed, loved to take family photos- each time he would shout, "Say Whiskey!" to make us smile. It always worked.
Makeup's Deceptions

Makeup's Deceptions

A Poem by Drcicarlo

Just a reminder to all the ladies out there; you may feel prettier with makeup on, but don't ever forget your true, beautiful identity.
Indescribable Lines

Indescribable Lines

A Poem by Drcicarlo

My process of creating
Extinct Time

Extinct Time

A Poem by Drcicarlo

An inquisitive mind-- flourished from oppression into a cave as rich as Reed mine Where tourists can flood my thoughts Pick at my gold and sell it f..
Supernova Fallout

Supernova Fallout

A Poem by Drcicarlo

My first try at something lighthearted and romantic.
The Epiphany

The Epiphany

A Poem by Drcicarlo

Inconceivably generous. I am deliberate. ill-chosen, splintered, and imposed on. As a degenerate, I summon the Master's actions to justify my behavi..


A Poem by Steve

I feel a fear so bigI hope it rears it's ugly headIn my dreams it portray's my souls deadUntil I awake in my own bedI scream and shoutOnly to find out..
painfully aware

painfully aware

A Poem by honey moonlight

it’s basically growing pains.