Tags : BIRDS

Norwester Storm of May Afternoon

Norwester Storm of May Afternoon

A Poem by zainul

Natural phenomenon has great impact
Like Birds in a Nest

Like Birds in a Nest

A Poem by Melinda McQueen

Like Birds in a Nest Sing the birds’ song Of deep resounding gratitude. A radiant life Through and through. How gr..


A Story by Gabs

Just a short story I wrote, about birds that can travel between worlds.
Wounded Birds - Rap

Wounded Birds - Rap

A Poem by The_Ancient_Rock

One of my new sad songs...
5am: Spring Daybreak

5am: Spring Daybreak

A Poem by Onyx Crow

Hi everyone, this poem is hopefully going to be part of an anthology that I'm working on. It's based on a memory of when I had insomnia one night and ..
A Dream.  A Fiction.

A Dream. A Fiction.

A Story by Earl Schumacker

A dream about a spy. A story about a bird, The sun in the sky.
Birds do Ballet

Birds do Ballet

A Poem by Andrew John

How Fortunate We Are

How Fortunate We Are

A Poem by The Crag

Writing how the variety of life that we have on this beautiful planet and that we really need to value it more than we do.
Mel and Boyo

Mel and Boyo

A Story by Poet Pittinix

This is a short story about two mischievous boys.
Good Fortune

Good Fortune

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

It's a poem about luck.

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