Tags : Birth

A microscopic Saturday night

A microscopic Saturday night

A Poem by Luke Ritta

A poem about Saturday night across the world.
I Desire To Live...

I Desire To Live...

A Poem by Nami FallingDewdrops

Well even a girl deserves life. What if she is a girl she own is the other name of 'life'


A Poem by Ian

An unconventional sonnet.
Blue Ribbon

Blue Ribbon

A Story by Creativemama

Abigail tries to assuage her grief after she gives up the most important thing she has found. Her only comfort is that they both will have better live..


A Story by Fernanda

I sighed and held the small baby in my blood covered hands. I looked at it’s weakness, I noticed it’s innocence and, for a moment, instea..
Softly the Stone

Softly the Stone

A Poem by Poe Redd

after birth- wishes and the taste of life for real
To My Creation, a Poem

To My Creation, a Poem

A Poem by Brenden Bow

I wrote this for Billie Ray, a main character in one of my novels.
Name Unknown

Name Unknown

A Book by Nicole.T

Name Unknown is one of my largest and most precious pieces, a memoir about things that have happened in my past that have been kept secret for a long ..
Birth and Death

Birth and Death

A Poem by Mark Anthony Games (Human..

A Poem designed to be read top to bottom, or bottom to top. First poem I have ever actually 'designed'
Mother and Family

Mother and Family

A Chapter by Kayo0104

When I was born I had an amazing memory... and imagination. I could see things work things out know which was right which was wrong. This made me rea..
Death and Rebirth

Death and Rebirth

A Poem by Henrique Kasai

A sad short-story
Tuscan Sunrise

Tuscan Sunrise

A Book by Ana Drake

*Twilight Fanfiction* With the existence of half-vampires coming to light, Rosalie realizes the possibility of finally having a family of her own. Bu..


A Chapter by Ana Drake

"Laura? Whats going on in there?"I look back to him and smile. "Too much."Emmett laughs a little, leaning back to relax against the couch. "Same here...


A Poem by Photochick

Upon the news off my daughter being pregnant for the first time.
Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by Ana Drake

Chapter One// As the sunrises They came in the night, just before dawn. Ourlegendshad beenwrong, everything we'dbelievedwaswrong. They wer..