Tags : Blegh



A Poem by Mr.Allegory

A little bundle of word bits~ Not necessarily in any shape or form.


A Story by Mr.Allegory

He couldn’t help but stare at the package of Magnum Ice-Cream he held in his hand. Who in their right mind would name a brand of ice-cream the s..


A Poem by Mr.Allegory

A bundle of word pieces and scattered thought bits~


A Story by Mr.Allegory

She fingered the curls of her long, brown hair nervously as she stood in front of Heap Manor. The Rumor around London had been that the old mansio..


A Book by Kevin

Do you feel like you aren't human? Numb, perhaps? This is a book of poems that will attempt to relate to your problems even if no one sees them :3


A Poem by Chidoriflower

I can't write too well rn, i keep wanting to but the words just get all screwy like my heart is