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The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...

Tags : Body

SEE WHAT IS WRONG an acrostic sonnet

SEE WHAT IS WRONG an acrostic sonnet

A Poem by John Fredrick Carver

If God's body is the universe then mine is like one of his organs, both of us sharing the skin organ at the least.


A Poem by Rowe Boat

Thoughts, I suppose.
Buzz in the Dark

Buzz in the Dark

A Poem by John Fredrick Carver

If we are the cells of the Universe then the rest of what is out there is the rest of the Body we belong to much like bees are part of a hive.
The Full Length Mirror

The Full Length Mirror

A Story by The Nude Writer

A reminder to love what you have.


A Poem by Dana Alsamsam

a girl that interested me on the train. an attempt to combat writer's block.


A Poem by Rose of many colours

long lonely days,a hunger for romance ,in search for it.
Peace of Fear

Peace of Fear

A Poem by Whitney

Eyes: windows to an ever-residing fear Though fear is blind And thoughts tick near Heed logic of your mind Mind: a wall to divide a ..


A Poem by Emma Garside

She looked in the change room mirror and it made her sick. She looked down at the price tag and stared at the size. The number haunted her. She had ..
The Statue Awakens

The Statue Awakens

A Poem by Chris Lotus

Brilliant and radiating Golden rays beam at me Slowly weathering my shell of petrification I am not of marble Nor do I stand like the others I am of s..