Tags : Cat

Haughty Huntress

Haughty Huntress

A Poem by JoWo

Humorous rhymed poem in 14 lines of iambic octameters.


A Book by Nano Rain

It's now the 3000's. War is on the verge of destroying everything. A young girl named Kara has yet to realize what a curse remember all her past lives..
The Cat

The Cat

A Chapter by Nano Rain

It's now the 3000's. War is on the verge of destroying everything. Kara, an unfortunate soul who is cursed to remember every single one of her past li..
Summerfield Academy

Summerfield Academy

A Story by Shannon

This is a Gothic Short Story.
Falling In

Falling In

A Book by Till The End~

in progress
the labratory

the labratory

A Story by eiko jones

a sad tale of a cat living in a testing facility my first story be nice written when i was 14
The Pouncing Cat

The Pouncing Cat

A Poem by Chip

She raises her head,She's ready to pounce.With a jump so silent and sleek,She's up on my lap.With her eyes so slim like paper,She scans the ground wit..


A Poem by Michaela

A poem for anyone who has lost a pet that was more then that to them.


A Poem by Jaden Larker

Wrote this whilst outside smoking one night and a cat suddenly skulked past.


A Poem by TigermanG

About my cat.


A Poem by Tnig

A haiku that most will know to be true.
A cup of Kale Tea

A cup of Kale Tea

A Poem by Abdul Batin Osman Bey

While drinking Kale Tea this poem just jumped into my mind
My Dearest Fleabag

My Dearest Fleabag

A Poem by BillyGirl

A non-rhyming poem. About my old cat who passed away when I was 3 years old. Only poem I might ever write. Photo is of me and my cat, Fleabag.
Shaving Rudy

Shaving Rudy

A Story by Cece

Tom followed his mom into the barn. They were greeted by the familiar smell of grain and soiled hay. “Do we gotta shave ‘em, ..
Furry Recommendations

Furry Recommendations

A Story by Sunkissed Circus

I asked my boss to write me a rec letter for a scholarship, and he proceeded to tell me to write it for him and he'd sign it. I ended up just writing ..


A Book by GirlLostInTheCrowd

My life is pretty dull.I'm bullied by A-Listers, my parents are always busy,and I've never been in a realatonship.I thought it would always be like th..
A Hot Summer's Night

A Hot Summer's Night

A Story by The Lavender Witch

My Slenderman fanfic. For anyone wondering, yes I'm YukiPandaAkamizu from DeviantART and I will be posting my writing here instead of DA. So no, it's ..
Under the old cherry tree

Under the old cherry tree

A Poem by Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere

I want to do to you what spring does with the cherry trees. Pablo Neruda
Hey Kitty kitty

Hey Kitty kitty

A Poem by Missy

A metaphoric way of describing how an abusive relationship begins. How a person sucks you in with love and once you're alone, it all changes.