Tags : DEATH



A Book by HeerM

Yaz- Name which took birth by the nickname of Kali, Yama goddess of death.


A Chapter by HeerM

Yaz- Name which took birth by the nickname of Kali, Yama goddess of death. I am the spirit of death. I have come across many deaths, some caused ..
Never Having Been

Never Having Been

A Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..

Human reality mortality style ...
Once In A Lifetime

Once In A Lifetime

A Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..

This is a Suicide Prevention Awareness piece that I wrote November 2nd, 2012 after someone dear to me took her own life. She would have been 26 on No..


A Poem by Crystal David John

A poem I wrote on the 4th death anniversary of my husband :(
existential crisis

existential crisis

A Poem by Arcane

I'm scared of my own mind,It runs insanely wild sometimes.I have fallen in love with deathLike a moth for a light speck.O it's so overwhelming over he..
Salt Water

Salt Water

A Story by SparksInTheNight

A young woman is drowning in the beauty of the ocean. It only gets worse from there. Until it doesn't.
Carrying Your Dead

Carrying Your Dead

A Story by Sawyer

A retelling of being an assistant body removal attendant.
Our Last Goodbye

Our Last Goodbye

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

It's a sad poem about love and death.
Menace of Mine

Menace of Mine

A Chapter by Xanthe

A witch and her wildcard. Girls and their games.
How to Fly

How to Fly

A Story by NathanGarnder

A man gains a book full of their hatred and resentment towards him from his family and friends, which causes him to learn how to fly. However, this pr..
My Name Is Acceptance

My Name Is Acceptance

A Poem by Wrath

My name is Acceptance ; not as in tolerance ; not as in compassion ; not as in live and let live. Acceptance ; as in ; any breath could be the las..
like yesterday

like yesterday

A Poem by joshua deathdealer

song demo/2023
Lay Down My Crowns

Lay Down My Crowns

A Poem by Mari' Emeraude

for Daddy
I'm not so alone as long as I have my memories..

I'm not so alone as long as I have my memories..

A Poem by Humberto Contreras

That moment when you're ready to leave this world, all of your life, memories rushes all at you at once.
A Death Among Friends

A Death Among Friends

A Story by G Wade

This is a long short story I may expand this as it could potentially make a novella or even book.