Tags : Dread

But Write I Must...

But Write I Must...

A Story by jimagain

Desperate thoughts tugged at me. And yet the pathos somehow fed my desire to write, to record my fate as some detached but dreary undertaker going abo..
Hanna Able

Hanna Able

A Story by robertsteese

Serial Murder, Horror, Evil, Women, Lust, Romance, Death, Dread, Damnation.
The Cemetery Girl. . .

The Cemetery Girl. . .

A Story by robertsteese

Death's girl awaits her only true love. Her zombieboy. Dead in darkness.
into the hills, Hells Shack...

into the hills, Hells Shack...

A Story by robertsteese

dread and delirium encompass the soul of one lost in the blackness of a torn soul...
Raising the Demon

Raising the Demon

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

‘There’s just one story I’ve never told From the dregs of my memory yet, It happened when I was just a lad And I ne..
Purging Torrents

Purging Torrents

A Poem by Frieda P

Rain in my soulbaresme to the bone pours from the contours upward opaque teardrops hastilyseep deep indigoNight an eternity of dreadunsettled wa..


A Story by robertsteese

Total self corruption...
Sleep, And Dream of Sleep

Sleep, And Dream of Sleep

A Poem by Peter McCullagh

An answer to the question, can two dreams ever be the same? What do you think? I don't know how the poem ended up in this final draft. The idea was t..


A Poem by Nightmare Catcher

First ever attempt at an acrostic poem.
The Widow Hamm & the Love-Me Tree

The Widow Hamm & the Love-Me Tree

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

I’d been on my own for so many years That my heart had turned to stone, It must have shown in my miserable face For the women le..


A Chapter by Renée

the voice on the phonehow i wish it brought me joybut it dulls my eyes
Vita Inconsccio

Vita Inconsccio

A Poem by tbone78flag

It's sad when a person dreads their desires, because they desire what others may dread.
Bar work and the burden of consciousness

Bar work and the burden of consciousness

A Poem by Owenh1

Always learning Never serving Simply falling Into swabs of red Of pure descent. Every corner, shop floor morning Cruising pictures Every tim..
The Box

The Box

A Poem by PoemsbyPatrick

When the world surrounds and crushes me, I turn my love to you.
Nightmares Start Upon Waking

Nightmares Start Upon Waking

A Poem by kris reed

The desire to sleep till things are better... (Dec. 2013)


A Poem by Zac

Interior monologue-styled free-verse poem about loneliness.


A Poem by robertsteese

life. dread.