Tags : EMPTY

Girl, Unknown

Girl, Unknown

A Poem by Whitney Kleinhuizen

I don't know the girl in the mirror, the reflection of a stranger.I find her every day though, staring back at me.Always with those same eyes.Eyes ful..
Falling Gracefully

Falling Gracefully

A Poem by Whitney Kleinhuizen

See that girl?She sits.Completely alone and seemingly forgotten,With glossy eyes and thoughts full of a thick fog, heavy and impenetrableDon't you see..
My Heart

My Heart

A Poem by LetMeLoveYou

Cuz he has a little piece of my


A Poem by James William Dyer

This poem is about procrastination, and how things fall apart during periods of deep depression.
Empty Rooms & Locked Doors

Empty Rooms & Locked Doors

A Poem by Sarah Stearns

My lonely heart that yearns.
Love Letters

Love Letters

A Poem by Elle Thompson

She is shedding tears over an open envelopeIt is empty like her eyes, like her arms, like her heart, like her homeBecause when he left there was nothi..


A Poem by James William Dyer

This poem is about separation, divorcing oneself from the notion of a family, bye bye woman and child.
Empty nest syndrome

Empty nest syndrome

A Poem by Bewitching Sensations

My four children are grown up and gone... the house screeches with emptiness


A Poem by James William Dyer

A poem about random thoughts during an interrupted sleep, thoughts about ambition that goes nowhere.
New Sneakers

New Sneakers

A Poem by Abdul Batin Osman Bey

cycle of life


A Poem by Emily

I have not seen you. I have not whispered in your ear nor have I laid my lips upon your neck.But I have seen the sun. I have seen it rise and fall. So..
White Walls

White Walls

A Poem by Emily

Within a room, a room whose walls are covered in words, a room covered in poetry, song, and short stories, our words my dear. Once a room of white, no..


A Poem by Abdul Batin Osman Bey

A poem for my sweet lovely wife
Earthly Things Such As-

Earthly Things Such As-

A Poem by CatOfOrion

there's a black slumpdefeated in a broken, backless chair.bone dry bottles lay at their feet,labels torn off, leave no trace-trying to hide the shame-..


A Poem by Shar

Life is empty and is meaninglessNo one can hold out a hand all they do is turn a blind eyeMakes me sad, Thinking how some people can be so cold-hearte..


A Poem by Suavis_Umbra

A dark and thick infested tunnel that you, must go through,