Tags : END

Hopes And Dreams

Hopes And Dreams

A Poem by ktim

I'm just a man, I'm not meant for the sky.Birds and their wings can bring our dreams oh so high.But it all come's down in their end forever nye.A wise..
F I N A L      D A R K N E S S


A Poem by anthony blake

The Illusionary affair

The Illusionary affair

A Story by Haim Kadman

Aone sided love story.
XXNN - The Thick Of It

XXNN - The Thick Of It

A Chapter by BL

XXNN - The Thick Of It Alfos looked at the raging battle and quickly realised that he couldn’t waste time fighting man to man personall..
What Kind Of Love

What Kind Of Love

A Poem by Dhaneshwar Dutt

But what kind of love is it, it doesn't take name of end this poetry is written for only heart broken peoples
Death by a Thousand Cuts

Death by a Thousand Cuts

A Poem by Laz K.

This is how it feels to be "ghosted".


A Story by Piccole Parole

Death seemed to always come in the fall, as if the two shared some sort of friendship. Cheer surrounded by despair, like the trees surrounded by leave..
Compete with Balance

Compete with Balance

A Poem by Nina Vescoso

Hey. This is a poem replica of Sonrisas. I'm sorry if it's terrible. i'm trying to improve. Comment whatever necessary.


A Poem by Robert Ronnow

One will not live to see the endof the geopolitical drama,the existential dilemma--"the small choices people make that change their lives.They ought t..
Painters tape

Painters tape

A Poem by mel

This old apartment
The God

The God

A Poem by Smwtdmgd

No proof needed, said God.Just have faith, said God.God is never late, always on time.Said everybody!But I'm here waiting,for a very long time.Waiting..
Prelude of a Liar

Prelude of a Liar

A Poem by Anna

There is no attachment.I am distant from you.As distant as distance goes.And when your gentle heartBrushes against my own--We are but different season..
Highest of Glories

Highest of Glories

A Poem by AidanMcL

In the end, all that comes to exist, no matter how great or powerful it maybe, always must find it's end.


A Poem by da_great

ba-dump (tick)... ba-dump (tack)
The Toast

The Toast

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

The Toastby Michael R. BurchFor longings warmed by tepid suns(brief lusts that animated clay),for passions wilted at the budand skies grown desolate a..
Part Four

Part Four

A Chapter by Seth Armstrong

Until the End of Time

Until the End of Time

A Book by Seth Armstrong

A story about guilt.
Part One

Part One

A Chapter by Seth Armstrong