Tags : Iris

Confessions of an Iris

Confessions of an Iris

A Poem by LostCauze[:P]

I breath upon the rays of the sun,An entropy, gluttony, I devour it whole.Societies, priority to over survive its conflict,therefore over consuming se..
Unthinkable (3)

Unthinkable (3)

A Chapter by Luna

Chapter three :D
Silence is Golden

Silence is Golden

A Poem by ~ Czarina Iris ~

I'm walking on eggshells And they're cracking beneath my feet, Piercing my tender flesh. Each crack is followed By a tremendous pain as Hateful ..


A Story by Hannah Kolar

Greek mythology has been a current interest of mine. Elaboration through personification is one of my favorite means of description.
Chapter Two - Liam and Iris

Chapter Two - Liam and Iris

A Chapter by Dream

Liam Payne I could sense her. I was getting jittery. What if she didn't like me? I don't know what I'd do if she rejected me. I mentally slapped..
Book Review: Confessions of An Ugly Stepsister

Book Review: Confessions of An Ugly Stepsister

A Story by Naomi Bloom

Book Review of "Confessions of An Ugly Stepsister" by Gregory Maguire.
Chapter V. Beautiful Exception/Stumbling Over Delusions

Chapter V. Beautiful Exception/Stumbling Over Delu..

A Chapter by Writer #00

Iris...Culous...having an interpersonal conversation in the wee hours of the morning? Sounds like a midnight tryst.
Pillow of Shoes

Pillow of Shoes

A Poem by Crystal Antlers

Accepting consciousnessin a gasoline whaleCarelessly sliding in a hospital mirrorReflecting silky moths sailing through spaceIn juxtaposition with a p..
Chapter four: Princess of flames

Chapter four: Princess of flames

A Chapter by Frozen-Inferno

Dante runs into yet another problem. With a female who also possesses powers like him.


A Book by Frozen-Inferno

A book about the struggles and triumphs about a boy named Dante. Dante finds out after leaving home he is a part of a larger chain of events then he o..
Chapter five: Rescue

Chapter five: Rescue

A Chapter by Frozen-Inferno

After being defeated by the vindictive Iris, Dante is saved by the same man who saved him from the lion. But, will Lecs be enough to handle the viciou..
Chapter Six: Encounter

Chapter Six: Encounter

A Chapter by Frozen-Inferno

Dante and Iris have an encounter of the dangerous kind with their creator, Disperdere. But, does he get to do away with them?
Chapter Seven: Morning

Chapter Seven: Morning

A Chapter by Frozen-Inferno

The first two hours of Dante's morning. In under two hours Dante experience a few peculiar things.
Chapter Eight: Afternoon

Chapter Eight: Afternoon

A Chapter by Frozen-Inferno

Dante's "other side" has finally assumed control over his body and is wrecking havoc. How does he handle it all?
Chapter Nine: Natural flashback

Chapter Nine: Natural flashback

A Chapter by Frozen-Inferno

Dante pours a flashback onto his friends and he still has yet to get a chance to rest. Never is there a stale moment with him around.
Chapter Ten: Cell Block

Chapter Ten: Cell Block

A Chapter by Frozen-Inferno

Dante gets acquainted with another new "ally" and then leads an escape from this mysterious place. How will he cope with the introverted personalities..


A Chapter by Zane Mathias

Prelude   Two Demons Released from hell, Released by two who had dwelled, Deep upon the Darkened circles, they Spewed there blood and Whor..

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