Tags : Island

the island

the island

A Poem by casey

I've been living on the island of sadness and pain for so long. I keep thinking safety will come, but all i ever see is the loneliness of the ocean ar..


A Poem by Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere

Whoever said money can't buy happiness simply didn't know where to go shopping. Bo Derek
Pumachia Island

Pumachia Island

A Story by Cari Lynn Vaughn

Mysterious Island Adventure
Island of Nowhere

Island of Nowhere

A Poem by Alfred Kukitz

times of aloneness


A Story by Rick Egin

A young soldier returns home to find that the love of his life has passed away, presumed dead by his fellow villagers. Following her funeral, he becom..
The Wake

The Wake

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

We’d been at sea on a cruise ship, Some days to Paradise, An island in the pacific Of beaches, trees and spice, But storms,..
The Shadow Men

The Shadow Men

A Book by Crysta denOuden

Far across the sea lies an island called Avlaon, where magic is real and the kingdoms of Summer and winter have been at war for 17 years. Avalon is ..


A Poem by RattyAdalan

I have agreesment on published


A Book by venus

A wanna-be adventurer ends up getting the adventure of her life. Talking animals, gold palaces, sexy blonde men, Dina learns that fate might have a lo..


A Chapter by venus

I open my eyes. Gosh! I have a headache. I cant see. There’s too much sun. Where am I? I lay here for about 5 minutes, squinting while my eyes a..


A Chapter by venus

After 2 years of suffering through terrible, needy, rude, filthy Walmart customers, I finally saved up enough to head out! I don't want to stay in civ..


A Chapter by venus

I wake up to Will’s back turned towards me. I frown. I push him to see if he's awake. No response. I sit up on one arm and lean over. His eyes a..
Deserted On An Island

Deserted On An Island

A Story by Christopher Zayn

First essay, analyzing the culture of modern America and contrasting it with being on a remote island. Based on survival outside of the comforts we kn..
The Fifteenth Year

The Fifteenth Year

A Book by ShowtunesGiraffe

On Joyaska, an island where five powerful gods reign, the orphan Valiansa must pay for the mistake her parents made to save Joyaska from catastrophe. ..