Tags : Nightmare

Deadly dreams.

Deadly dreams.

A Story by Amanda

Don't fall for your sleep paralysis hallicuninatians.
It comes...

It comes...

A Poem by Maria

Had a vivid dream last night that comes and goes, and normally, I force myself to forget, but decided to write about it.


A Poem by Eli Stohl

"To feel a cold and burning tear, trickle down my cheek."
Side Effects

Side Effects

A Poem by Eli Stohl

"You know I hate it, when you tell me that it will all be okay. But you tell me anyway, because it's what I need to hear."
Can't Help You

Can't Help You

A Poem by Eli Stohl

"You know her perfectly well, better than her own head."


A Poem by Eli Stohl

"No thoughts, no emotion, just an ever-stretching darkness."
All Over Again

All Over Again

A Poem by Eli Stohl

"I thought I had escaped, but maybe that isn't the right word."
I Couldn't Tell You

I Couldn't Tell You

A Poem by Eli Stohl

"I couldn't tell you what it feels like, but it's sure a hell real."
The Reality of Dreams

The Reality of Dreams

A Poem by Anna

There's a man who is dreaming softly,when his younger friend appears to him.A nightmare unwinds, terrors lofty;binds and ties, breaks and cuts them.Th..


A Poem by Poeticsecrets16

This is my first poem that I've written in years. My writing may not be so strong and my poem may not be the best, but I'll eventually get there.


A Poem by aspen

our hands slipped into place I gazed at our reflection through the tinted bus window as your velvetine lips grazed my forehead my cells turned into ..


A Poem by Nia

This poem was about a horrible nightmare where something that resembled are dark shadow was creeping towards me.
No Goodbye

No Goodbye

A Chapter by Natasha

Just another nightmare


A Poem by Tim

Was it a dream that led her from her bed to her grave, or something else entirely...?
It's Time

It's Time

A Poem by Natasha

I miss you, Why did you leave me?I need you,Why couldn’t you be here for me?I know it’s not you, It’s not your fault you were taken ..