Tags : Remind

Remind Me of You

Remind Me of You

A Poem by Meg Craft

Chalk and grass and the way the light separates the skyThat house across the road and how you’d always stop byThe tree outside my window, the fr..


A Poem by Isamar

I walk on the streets and the little things make me think about so many memories about the life i'm find my self in.
You Remind me of something

You Remind me of something

A Poem by Dreama

This want came to mind when I was bored one day at work


A Poem by Debby Pillitteri

And if I fall asleepWith tears in my eyes tonightKnow I'm not hiding my prideStop thinking I'm lyingAnd believe I'm just rightSmiling and crying with ..
F**k it, I miss you

F**k it, I miss you

A Poem by kera moondust

I can't pretend I don't.... Please don't turn into another person I don't talk to.
Dream the impossible

Dream the impossible

A Poem by Ralph Rosell

Dedicated to all the dreamers out there!


A Poem by Alicia Schroeder

Drivin’ by the pain I feel each day As it reminds me that I am alive I am strong and I will survive I will not let this pain define..
Shadow upon that Scar

Shadow upon that Scar

A Poem by Aspiringthinker

This is something I wrote about 6 years ago that I came across, I have shared it with a few friends and a few said I should publish it, So I am giving..
The box

The box

A Poem by Lijo Jose

This time he gave her a bigger box And walked away promising to meet later at seven.. She knew it contained all the letters she wrote Tears starte..
A Reminder of Many Other Things

A Reminder of Many Other Things

A Poem by Michael Iam Bone

This poem is about how asking simple questions can bring one to realize much more complex things.
A Reason To Live.

A Reason To Live.

A Story by MetBySunlight

And what if I die tomorrow? Will I go unnoticed? Locked in my room, how long till they realise? Music on repeat- sounds of soft pen scribbling, anx..