Tags : Restrictions

The Kite

The Kite

A Poem by Truman S. Booth

The string in this poem represents the restrictions of society, which are more helpful than most people realize.
What is it that is stopping you? Say it!

What is it that is stopping you? Say it!

A Story by writerkumar

Sometimes, we think a lot to say a few words to a person! Right?
Are you Shivering Yet?

Are you Shivering Yet?

A Poem by Monica

Received a letter from my mother...
The Cruel Cookie Cutter

The Cruel Cookie Cutter

A Poem by Naomi Bloom

A rebellion against rules and restrictions.
Freedom of Speech?

Freedom of Speech?

A Story by PherociousPhoebee

An essay about so-called freedom of speech in the U.S. and how it has been restricted... written when I was sixteen, going on seventeen.
Futile Pulp Fiction

Futile Pulp Fiction

A Poem by Ohhhwillow

22/3/13 There are no words to match the complexities of the mind, the heart.. The beauty and ugliness that exist in the world. We can only attempt to ..
Within the walls

Within the walls

A Poem by Kimberley Reid

This is yet another expressive poem about what its like thinking about someone from your past and how scary it can be.
Puppet Show

Puppet Show

A Story by Katy

And like a puppet, a smile remains plastered upon my face to give a façade of happiness; an essence of normality... As I`m maneuvered around th..


A Poem by Hazem Elashaal

My life,My chained life,Held down from my desires and curiosities,Held down without reason or cause,Held down until I shattered the floor of insecurit..


A Poem by Hazem Elashaal

Restrictions is my new roommate,Occupying my home that is my mind,Collapsing on my thoughts and actions,concealing them,But today this ends,Not one of..