Tags : Secret

The Yellow Daffodil

The Yellow Daffodil

A Story by Anthony Gonzalez

As an eager young man tells his sister the story of the tragic day he asked for his past-lover's hand in marriage, he leads her across a courtyard to ..
A dreaming secret

A dreaming secret

A Poem by K.G

A little poem for a book that im writeing
Tears In Secret

Tears In Secret

A Story by Tari Falassion

What dwells within the secret passage? Who's that girl?
World Loves War

World Loves War

A Poem by Cameron Winn

What direction is our society heading? Towards authoritarianism or liberty?
Seven + Appear

Seven + Appear

A Chapter by Allison

Appear before your friends and show them that you care.
Just Squeeze

Just Squeeze

A Story by C.E.Murphy

Two men, two secrets
Our secret garden

Our secret garden

A Poem by KSKhoury

Relating to others is a feeling of having experienced the same 'thing'
An Unknown Secret

An Unknown Secret

A Poem by Emily

Slowly, as time goes on I see,That this is the way things should be.And as this day goes on and on,The sun rises to a new dawn.I wish this time it was..


A Poem by Ameli

Our hearts pulled by the allure,The taste of something new,We took from forbidden fruit,First you and then I.What should be wrong however,Seems to fee..
Jealous of You

Jealous of You

A Poem by ~Dragon X

Poem pretty loosely based on my own experiences.....You don't have to read it if you don't want to. o3o' Like really, it's just a venting of my emotio..
Secret Society

Secret Society

A Poem by SocialSynthetics

you figure it out
Secret Keepsake

Secret Keepsake

A Poem by Lushan

Secret Keeper of secrets. Rising behind the cloud, holding the night up, letting the words blow from your lips in sibi..
The Wizard Table

The Wizard Table

A Story by Sara

An idea I had for the beginnings of a book.
The Journal

The Journal

A Chapter by Brandy Parrish

O'dell finds a journal of Elizabeth's, and returns a forgotten box to her.