Tags : Secret

Beneath My Eyes

Beneath My Eyes

A Poem by R.M.W.

Sadness burns.Salty drops of soothing paincling to the sheetsand leave a stain.Relieving the weight of anger and fear.InsecuritiesRacing through my mi..
My Servant the Ninja Part 1

My Servant the Ninja Part 1

A Story by DreamyKari

Tessa Dixon is an ordinary high school girl, until she sorta saves the life of her classmate Flynn McFlash who is secretly a ninja. Now he's her serva..
A Record of You

A Record of You

A Story by Francis Danger

this was from a series of writing experiments, turning the work of Juan Santapau, the Secret Knots, into a short-form novella. If you enjoy, please ch..
Secretly Admire

Secretly Admire

A Poem by Mason Rayburn

It wouldn't be lying if I say That you are the highlight to my day. It wouldn't be false if I were to whisper That your eyes make me tremble and..


A Book by Oiseau

Def: purplish-blue color describing the sea or a bruise. Jaime & Leigh's relationship is full of twists and turns, but secrets from the past come to..
From Plumfield, With Love

From Plumfield, With Love

A Book by Meg Craft

Winona "Bookie" Barnett lives in the small Southern town of Plumfield with her friends. When a dark secret of the town shows itself to the Troupe of M..


A Poem by CoconutSprinkles08

It's funny.Time was the illusion we fell forAs paramours with secretive dispositionsEluding the truth our eyes conveyed.It's sad.Castaway by open woun..


A Poem by ShaneBerry

She now knows how I feel about her. All I can do is hope she does not think less or respect me less or hate me because of the love I hold for her...
The Secrets of the Keepers

The Secrets of the Keepers

A Book by Ollie_45

In a time where Secrets are currency, its a life or death situation for Henry as he endevours to find the people that murdered his long time friend, o..


A Chapter by Ollie_45

The beginning of what could be more! This is a snap shot of what could be a book, It's nowhere near perfect *Imagine scaffolding around it all* but..
What the Night Knows

What the Night Knows

A Poem by Temerity

Our eyes, once enamored with each other’s gazes, now flit like the shadows of owls caught in those yawning morning rays - rare and shy..
The Three Secret Solvers - Secret Murder

The Three Secret Solvers - Secret Murder

A Book by Ridhwanul

A book of Suspense. A young boy suspects that there has been a Murder. So the boy and his friends team up and try to solve the mystery they are suspec..
The Writer

The Writer

A Poem by Wolf

People Always try solving,Always searching,The mystery of me -The person they don't see.I shroud myself in mystery,Never letting people seeWhat's with..


A Book by MementoVive

Demons walk in our world secretly. Some hunting us, and some protecting us. Vadin Is forced into protecting humans in Meadowtown after a brush with de..
If I told you

If I told you

A Poem by ❀ Gabriela Ϭ..

If I told you a secret...


A Poem by Rachel Anderson

We hold our secrets so closely to us; It's the thought of them being revealed that is truly destructive.