Tags : Serengeti

"The Serengeti"

"The Serengeti"

A Poem by PoeT4994

Just got the idea from an idea about the sun kissing the brim of hats. Just tried to write a dream with this one.


A Book by Wendy Seames Garner

The everyday life of a pride of lions on the Serengeti plains of Africa.
The Pride

The Pride

A Chapter by Wendy Seames Garner

Names and their African meanings of the lions, lionesses, and cubs of the Pride.
Zebra Kill

Zebra Kill

A Chapter by Wendy Seames Garner

The lionesses stalk and kill zebras, dragging them back to the Pride area to be eaten in turns. An argument between the cubs ensues as the adults lay..
Cloud's Drought

Cloud's Drought

A Story by Jane E. Ries

With some ingenuity and help from friends, Sis' Hyena tries to put an end to the summer drought.