Tags : Snow

Slow Snow Falling.

Slow Snow Falling.

A Poem by Ken Simm.

Last days. Part II of Her.
Winter's Lament

Winter's Lament

A Poem by Dominik D. Rites

The first poem I've ever written Shakespearean style, but I'm confident enough to share it!
I've Missed You

I've Missed You

A Poem by Gypsy Dreamer

"Your fingers strong, precise... made steel strings warm and nice."
Ill-Starred Kettle

Ill-Starred Kettle

A Story by YouoweYoupay

I cry to be pulled out of the darkness.
Creepy Stalker

Creepy Stalker

A Story by Decidious wind

Just an interesting short story.
Taking out the garbage

Taking out the garbage

A Poem by Jonathan Ballam

Snow sticks to my boots like old words from my mother
A Feeling As it Snows

A Feeling As it Snows

A Story by Abigail Livingston

Written in a room with high ceilings and large windows as it snowed.
The Snow Dragon

The Snow Dragon

A Story by Matthew Senn

Things get ugly a starving hunter unknowingly takes shelter with one of the most feared creatures known to man. The result is neither pretty or expect..
Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland

A Poem by Reianna Jewel

An English assignment from a couple years ago
Why Have You Forgotten?

Why Have You Forgotten?

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

A poem about September 11th
She stole the light then painted white all summer's fading green..

She stole the light then painted white all summer'..

A Poem by Gee

Autumn..More simple stuff !!
Snow on Cypress Trees

Snow on Cypress Trees

A Poem by Kelly Scheppers

Snow on Cypress Trees Once again it's the time of year for the cognitive joys of holidays past. Carved turkeys and crusted pie..
Christmas Cat

Christmas Cat

A Poem by afish

It's that time of year again.
 Christmas is a magical time to make wishes

Christmas is a magical time to make wishes

A Poem by Nika Pronina

North Star in the Little Dipper shines brightly And lights our way, To the North pole, Christmas Eversnowland Reindeer are pulling the sl..