Tags : Whimsical



A Poem by Zugzwang

This chill wind Is blowing the sun out! And when it’s gone- The deep lustrous night.


A Poem by Zugzwang

All along the riverbank, The thin sun falls And lands without impact. It’s so cold! And the way is so far. Will Summer ..


A Poem by Zugzwang

Do clouds look down idly at the earth and wonder at the succession of forms endlessly drifting past?
The Drifter

The Drifter

A Poem by sophia kathleen

a creation poem about nature and the nature of god and goddess


A Poem by Briana Noël Manzano

A poem about the inner workings of my thought process.
Making Frenchfries

Making Frenchfries

A Poem by Briana Noël Manzano

A whimsically dark, pun-intended poem told from the perspective of a French fry.
A Coward in Love

A Coward in Love

A Poem by KingDavid

In a Flap

In a Flap

A Story by ICynicThereforeI'mNot

A whimsical view on a topic which has been touched upon previously.
Rose Garden Park

Rose Garden Park

A Poem by Missowl

A poem about a secret park, that has been hidden away for years waiting to be discovered. I wrote it as inspiration for my novel in progress, The Pape..
Top 4 Bold, Whimsical, Ladylike and Risqué Wedding Dress Trends of 2016

Top 4 Bold, Whimsical, Ladylike and Risqué Weddin..

A Story by Etrade Supply Smartphone ..

Bridal Fashion Week wrapped up in New York City earlier this month, showcasing top designers’ latest offerings for brides. And fashion insider..
The Lover's Tree

The Lover's Tree

A Story by R.L.Russ

The ancient oak loomed magnificent in the distance, its thick bark wrapped around its trunk in an endless uneven pattern spiraling up to the very tips..
Up, Up & Away!!!

Up, Up & Away!!!

A Poem by carebear8741

For my Mom's 54th birthday I am taking her up in a Hot Air Balloon :)


A Poem by Vaporvision

Finally a new piece from me. As in, one that I've written just now, rather than some time back. Analogical.


A Chapter by Saria Lon

Chapter 8: RedThe grass-covered ground danced lightly in the gentle wind. There was no clear cut trail now. Huntress and Champ walked su..


A Poem by The Iron Horseman

A nursery rhyme definitely NOT for children!
Moxy Plays with Potions

Moxy Plays with Potions

A Poem by Yari Garcia

A creepy poem.
Timmy Two-Heads

Timmy Two-Heads

A Poem by Yari Garcia

Sometimes a silly poem is just what I need...