Tags : aboutme

About me: At Seventeen Yrs Old.

About me: At Seventeen Yrs Old.

A Poem by Anna Edelweiss

I am all that I have ever asked for.I am red lips on fridays and flirtatious smiles from boys of all kinds.I am all curves and smooth skin, I am prey ..
My first little writerscafe piece.

My first little writerscafe piece.

A Poem by Curiouslyrecordingmylife

For the purpose of possibly making this piece easier to imagine, to hopefully allow you to fully indulge yourself in my words, Ive written this as if ..
Who's That Girl?

Who's That Girl?

A Poem by Elizabeth C

This is not a Poem but can be similar to one. I've decided to make a rap hoping to get some feedback and opinions on it. I have not finished it yet an..