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The Distance Between Our FingersA Chapter by FadedStarsBasically is the first chapter of "I swear I've Seen Your Face Before." This chapter basically explains the how to the two gay parents meet, and what.. |
I swear I've Seen Your Face Before..A Book by FadedStarsUgh I: Basically first story written on here, it's basically where a child gets adopted into a gay family, and he has the hardest time fitting in wit.. |
Fictional FactsA Poem by NathPeople like to talk and obviously they don't care if it's the truth or not. People sell lies and other people buy. |
Chapter Thirteen All or Nothing First Look 7/25-7/..A Chapter by Christian LebronThe spell-binding battle to end what was started |
To My Creation, a PoemA Poem by Brenden BowI wrote this for Billie Ray, a main character in one of my novels. |
Operation School: What Lies AheadA Book by DamacAs the Operatives enter their second year of Operation School, life starts to get more stressful |
A Home Sky's RestA Poem by Serena ClaraFarewell to the long lost girl,Shes leaving this forlorn world.Her heart was broken,her mind full up.So long to her warm hands,she's worn from this fr.. |
The Sadness CafeA Poem by Lupus Kaoswhat if sadness was a cafeteria? |
~ You have no IdeaA Poem byEli, E.L. Senryu, Love, Life NIN amor, amour, Fun, Fictional, Peace, Cats, Catwoman, Early Mornings.... |
~ To Wait a LifetimeA Poem by~ To Wait a Lifetime, E.L. Elisa Laura, Life, Questions, Fictional, Fictive, Lyrics, Music, Road Spirit, Poetry in free style, Trains |
~ There Was No Time LeftA Poem by~ There Was No Time Left, E.L. Elisa Laura, Fictional, Poetry in between, Man on Fire, Flames, Fire, Fireman, Husband? Wife? Love? Pain, Death, Afterg.. |
Where it all startedA Chapter by Beyond the River |
Golden HairA Poem by Sydney DreamaThe poem about a young girl who falls in love with a stranger at a party, |