Tags : growth

to who I once was

to who I once was

A Poem by shethearcher

regarding love
Microstory 199: Crescentia ‘Tia’ Norris

Microstory 199: Crescentia ‘Tia’ Norris

A Story by Nick Fisherman

This is an experimental Bellevue Profile microstory. The introduction can be found in Microstory 101. More to follow.
In My Head

In My Head

A Poem by Leon A. Walker

A poem about learning life's lessons and gaining wisdom and maturity.


A Poem by Nadia_2

A poem dedicated to growth.
Soul to Myself

Soul to Myself

A Poem by A Wilder

Free-form folly consumptive request create yourself at your own behest Who is I is you is me breathe in, breathe out, synchroneity Oranges an..
The Seed

The Seed


A poem on hard times and trial we face that seem hopeless and daunting and how trusting in the Lord and his plans for you helps one realise the benefi..
Part of a Whole

Part of a Whole

A Poem by Skylah Ginette

My crystals quiver With distorted energy. I close my eyes To the journey. My ache is breath, My heart is strained. He stole my skin, Staine..



I can write about love.Express my deepest desires,Create illusions of a perfect harmony,Take your mind and senses to the garden of Eden,Grow a silver ..
Mr Brightside

Mr Brightside

A Chapter by Willem Gray

Mr Brightside I am not sure if I have mentioned my love life yet. I am sure if anyone is reading my dribble they are just aching to find out more ..
Without You

Without You

A Poem by Eron Culver

We'll all have fun.


A Chapter by Solar

Embraced by spring’s emerald-longing for love to last Savoured summer’s passion-fruit ripened from the past Austere in autumn&rsqu..
Genuine Influence

Genuine Influence

A Poem by Phillip Francis

Perception repaired by positive experience rejuvenates reflections of environment. Pessimistic behavior blinds gratifying action silencing conscious..


A Poem by Castilios

A Kyrielle poem about time.