Tags : maternal

My Maternal Side- Poems

My Maternal Side- Poems

A Book by My Fair Lady

Poems I have written for my children, or related to being a mother


A Story by Adriana

I’m bringing the black and white sonogram picture home to show my family and friends. They were all waiting at my mothers house. As Jack pulled ..


A Poem by RFDIII

Our mothers are our weakness.
A Child on Childbirth

A Child on Childbirth

A Poem by zoophagous

This is a non-traditional ghazal about how I sometimes feel as a child, combined with a maternal instinct and pressures to one day be a mother.
 A Contraceptive Pill

A Contraceptive Pill

A Poem by Neha Godambe

The current trend followed by girls - In order to prevent conception, popping a pill and saving boyfriend’s bill is an insensible solution. Here..
Anne Marie's Cheetah

Anne Marie's Cheetah

A Story by tcd123

A woman finds hope in the memory of a cheetah mother and her own daughter.
A Bond

A Bond

A Poem by Nick Mc

As a smile graced his facefor the first timea single tear slid down hers.A mother and child,together, happy and complete.She gives him a kissand he op..
In My Head

In My Head

A Poem by Kristina Moulaison

The voice in my head.
My Azorean island

My Azorean island

A Poem by Lawrence Bradfield

Written for one island girl at the behest of another.
Endlessly Little

Endlessly Little

A Poem by papermush08

This goes to my mother. Happy Mother's day!
Why did you leave?

Why did you leave?

A Poem by Lotus Twilight

Dedicated to my mother
My Albatross

My Albatross

A Poem by Faith Almazan

I'll never be the way you want me to be. I don't care, you love leaving bruises on me. Hit me--- not them. You love when the..
Mother's Pride

Mother's Pride

A Poem by Winslow Des Totes

Estrogen's hitting hard today.


A Poem by Sophia Moosmann

The winter has not been kindI’ve got frosty lips and tired eyesHas it really been a year?And where’ve you been?She closes the door and thi..
It's not easy being a Mother..

It's not easy being a Mother..

A Poem by Onlyme

He drank to hide his hurthis pain he felt in his heartand soul.His mother hurt him so.And he never had thecourage to tell her.It built up with timefes..
Mourning Star

Mourning Star

A Poem by marcie

a mother and her two daughters


A Poem by marcie

up there
Dawn: a Coronavirus poem

Dawn: a Coronavirus poem

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Dawnby Michael R. Burchfor Beth and Laura, and all good mothersBring your peculiar strengthto the strange nightmarish fray:wrap up your cherished ones..

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