Tags : pickles

Jayda Peace

Jayda Peace

A Book by AmySkye

Jayda lives with her parents and brother. Her family is the most feared demon hunter family, its tradition she must follow however when Blaze is put i..
An Eidolon Demon

An Eidolon Demon

A Chapter by AmySkye

It was dawn now as the light of the sun turned to red over the mountain tops. Jayda sucked in a breath of the sweet smell of pine and shrubbery. K..


A Poem by Heather Bereskin

A short poem about pickled cucumbers.


A Story by P1nR1ght

I'm in a pickle, oh yes I am. A pickle is fickle about things that are damned. Zombies, Warlocks, those bumps in the night, I don't like any of them ..
Pre-Dawn Ramblings of an Insomniatic Mind

Pre-Dawn Ramblings of an Insomniatic Mind

A Poem by Bright Ocean Star

just me and my tea at a quarter past three...:)
20,000 pickles for only $0.05

20,000 pickles for only $0.05

A Story by 39Waffles

I just wanted to write something stupid...
vlasic brain

vlasic brain

A Poem by dimz

nonsensical approx. 5-minute poem written at work, published as a zine.