Tags : poetry



A Poem by Kimber Gillingham

A silly little poem I wrote about candy.


A Poem by Gaia Octavia

Baby bird, broken limbs, paying for another's sins My two cupped hands to scoop you in, and keep you warm, skin to skin Your anguish so th..
Malvern Hills in June

Malvern Hills in June

A Poem by Ethan

This little cabin and your long nose make me feel at home Among the crumbling beams, white but blue. On this c..


A Poem by L.A. Carey

Want To Join Me In A Shower?

Want To Join Me In A Shower?

A Poem by Ohioman

A man uses this free verse poem to tell us what he saw his girlfriend doing in the shower.


A Poem by Ty




Flash poetry from Athens Greece southern suburbs


A Poem by AiH

My eyes skate over the icy reflectioncounting the small tan seeds that dance across my cheeksI see more than the rounded edges of my faceand notice mo..


A Poem by Yari Garcia (Older Profil..

Just a fun poem.
Robert And Missy

Robert And Missy

A Poem by Ohioman

This limerick poem happens to show what one couple allows themselves to do while they're alone.
pine (originally written on 11/26/16)

pine (originally written on 11/26/16)

A Poem by aspen

the sun bleeds into coats of orange and pinki watch my breath escape into the atmosphere and dissolve to somewhere my eyes can't quite reachi bunch do..
Broken Poetry

Broken Poetry

A Book by noor

Wherever you are, you'll never feel alone while going through the words in this book. Here, between the pages; is the place where you'll find conveni..
Poem of war

Poem of war

A Poem by TheClown

Hatred breeds retaliation,the oppressed emerge as devils.Bullet cares little who it hits,all are equal in death.
Walking Backwards

Walking Backwards

A Poem by TheUnrulyWriter

It seems to me, it seems to be,That history repeats.I only trust what I can see,And all I see are my own feet.
Milady of the Crystal Sea

Milady of the Crystal Sea

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

Milady of the Sea, sing and taketh me where shadows dance, with thou voice in trance; far beyond the crystal sea.
The Beginning

The Beginning

A Poem by Kimber Gillingham

A poem about the beginning of our lives.
An open letter to my mother

An open letter to my mother

A Poem by Hailie

Momma, I love you.Momma, I hate you.Momma, I don't know what to think.One day you reward me with laughter and a gentle reminder of how life used to be..