Tags : poetry

Child Of God

Child Of God

A Poem by Anne Korhonen

A Christian poem for encouragement if you feel rejected
The Core

The Core

A Poem by Anne Korhonen

A Christian poem about getting back to basics and focusing on what truly matters instead of egoistic life


A Poem by Anne Korhonen

A Christian poem about doubt and sin
The Inner Voice

The Inner Voice

A Poem by Anne Korhonen

A poem about recognizing the strength of your intuition and inner voice


A Poem by Anne Korhonen

A spiritual poem about finding your own sacred space
The Praise Of Life

The Praise Of Life

A Poem by Anne Korhonen

A Christian poem about gratitude of life


A Poem by Anne Korhonen

A Christian poem about abundance


A Poem by Anne Korhonen

A Christian poem about joy
The Healer

The Healer

A Poem by Anne Korhonen

A Christian poem about Jesus
Lost Girl

Lost Girl

A Poem by Meaghan Rhymer

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A Poem by nefalnumair

There's a loss in every gain. A chink in every armor. A pleasure in some pain.A low in every high. A sorrow in some joy. A victor in every battle. ..
The Tower

The Tower

A Poem by Mike Davies

The Tower by Mike on Scribd


A Poem by k.s.

I had the habitof blaming others for my misfortunes. Not realizingthat these mistakes and this blood on my hands,was no one elsebut mine. I had to own..


A Poem by Messengeroflove

I know how you feel. Like a million swords have been carefully threaded through your chest squeezing your lungs like there’s nothing left. And y..
Art of Persuasion

Art of Persuasion

A Poem by Nichole

Is it true? What they say about you? These voices in my head. Panting for an unwanted and wanted friend. One in the same. Until I see your face. ..
Miss Staggering Eyes

Miss Staggering Eyes

A Poem by HummingMaster

"I love teasing you and seeing how much you want me" - VK Powell
Hey Dad

Hey Dad

A Poem by Artifex

My dad wrote a poem to his dad titled: "Yo Pops" that confronted his father that abandoned him at a young age after a divorce. I wrote a similar versi..
The Problem

The Problem

A Poem by BeeBonnet95

Talking about mental health