Tags : subjective

Ontologizing symbolization or Figuration

Ontologizing symbolization or Figuration

A Story by psisatyr

I have analyzed the history of metaphors through existential philsophy and post -structuralism. I have an able to arrive at various process of experie..


A Poem by Vincent Penn

A tanka poem about how our minds perceive and store experiences/events and how that perception further shapes us.


A Story by Desert Rose

A number that i’m seeing almost everywhere i go for the past few months & up until now, for some reasons i can’t quite understand just..
Schrodinger's Individuality

Schrodinger's Individuality

A Poem by hypochondrita

Stuck in an endless sucession of pathetic shoresGuided by an emotion switch with a soft spot for the "off" sideWasted potencial flooding through every..


A Story by LimitlessCoffee

Pain is subjective.
Unnamed Prologue

Unnamed Prologue

A Story by Vermilion Vulpine

Two children are playing in a forest, at a waterfall that plunges into a crystal clear lake.
I Am the King!

I Am the King!

A Poem by Matt Campbell

An allegorical at what happens after a person attains their ambition. Best read aloud.