Tags : travel

Lamar pumps

Lamar pumps

A Poem by Adam Parker

Stream of consciousness on a train journey , the thoughts that come to mind - especially about the railway and personal opinions. Inspiration by Larki..
A Night Hike with a Dash of Fright

A Night Hike with a Dash of Fright

A Story by Molly Sanborn

It all started with a bison jam. This was a pretty ordinary event in Yellowstone National Park, a.k.a. my summer home. I was on my way to hike the i..
Best bus route from Bangalore to Panjim

Best bus route from Bangalore to Panjim

A Story by traveller

Among the many places of interest present near the city of Panjim, Bangalore clearly overpowers owing to its myriad attractions. Intriguing history,..


A Story by alankillsmonsters

Chaos It was the starting week of June. Everything seemed grey and dull. We both were sitting on our Enfield 350s at the dead end of our c..


A Poem by Quinn

A re-working of an older poem of mine from back in July 2014 entitled "A ticket to anywhere" - (http://www.writerscafe.org/writing/StarlightPoetry/137..
Mind Games

Mind Games

A Poem by Windah

an Experience
Against all odds

Against all odds

A Story by MarthaDiane

Reflection on the timing of love
Destination: Roadmance

Destination: Roadmance

A Book by DianneR

Laney is a decidedly romantic kind of gal but struggles often times with certain realities. She can't decide which of her personas fit best with every..
Pieces of Time

Pieces of Time

A Story by Emily

Flynn Murphy and Thomas Baker have been inseparable since they'd met as children, now Flynn decides to go abroad for a few months and see the world.
Evening Bliss

Evening Bliss

A Story by Justin Taras

An evening of breathtaking views leads to a spiritual journey.


A Poem by Barbara

Eight people in two small planes fly down the coast of Mexico into Central Mexico.


A Poem by Owen Aldin

Written for a friend of mine who is attempting to walk 10,000 steps a day for charity
Forever Strangers

Forever Strangers

A Story by Alexis Roberts

This story is about a young girl on a train who tries to help a perfect stranger through her struggles and along the way learns a valuable lesson.


A Poem by Enknt

A poem about wanderlust.


A Poem by Enknt

A story of someone travelling, the rest of the description will be yours to make...
A letter to Cameron

A letter to Cameron

A Story by sammy.sunshine

the addiction to chaos
A search to remember

A search to remember

A Poem by WillaDanvers

An idea has been planted, and would like to know your thoughts
A day to remember

A day to remember

A Story by Yette

A short story I wrote after being inspired in Nepal about a year ago. Haven't written anything in years, or anything since, but got reminded of it to..
Rocky Road

Rocky Road

A Poem by Danielle Browne

The criteria for this poem was to create a history for a stone - the history being my own.