*Get Smart Act 5*

*Get Smart Act 5*

A Story by Tearflow

Continuation of act 4

[Act 4]
*10:18 A.M.

Class continued as Zack listen's to the audible
rambling of his teacher but his gaze was fixed on a sing spot, Leah's chair.
She is missing 'of course' thought Zack.
'She wants to play as a detective so I'll leave her be' Zack sighed and continued to listen but it was useless.
He can't get Leah out of his mind.

What if something happens to her?
What if she got harmed?
What if she really stumbled on something shady, like a drug dealer den?

The teacher's rambling's became nothing but cacophony to Zack's ears.
Class has been nothing but a session of anxiety,
 he let one of his only friend get into trouble speraking of which a girl too.

The man they stumbled upon the Cafeteria obviously looked like something was going on with him, not only his hair was disheveled but his eyes we're blood shot too, like a man not having enough sleep due to too much over time.

His chair was beginning to stifle him, like a punishment for a grave mistake.
As the lunch approaches Zack hurriedly packed his things to find Leah.
A hope still remains with Zack as her number 
was with her and that maybe she's rational enough to call him, if she ever thought of doing something risky.

*12:02 P.M.


The bell rung, like a dagger being lifted off Zack's chest, he quickly dashed outside to find Leah.
"Hey troupe! watcha doin?" said a voice he don't want to hear.
Jason patted him in the back.
'Great' thought Zack
one problem after another,he wouldn't  be shock if Jason 
somehow got involved onto Leah's detective play if she coerced him into it.

"Nothing I'm going home as usual" Said Zack as boring as he could.
"Eh that's too bland!" Then like light bulb switched up his head.
He flicked his fingers and grabbed Zack by the shoulder.
"I know! let's play some arcade!" He exclaimed.

Zack took his arm off his shoulder and shook his 
head with a frown, he's not even looking a Jason as he gaze into the ground.
"Oh come on! now!" Jason forced Zack again as they walked together with Jason's arm clipped on Zack's Neck.
"Damn it Jason not now I have something to do" Pledged Zack as they got out of the University.

Still walking, they passed the streets of Victoria and
just as they are about to reach the intersection on Bell ln and albert road
He saw the man that Leah was Tailing and of course with Leah trailing behind the said man, she tip-toed like a cliche cartoon character as she hide behind lamps,
 hoping to follow the shape of the object she stick to, which obviously didn't happen.

She's also attracting way more attention than the man she's tailing, 
which gives him the thought of how can the boy not see her?
"Unless....." Zack thought

"Hey look! it's Leah, huh?" Jason bumped on Zack playfully
 as he points at her then tilted his head. "huh? is she stalking that guy?"
Jason stared at Zack helplessly.
"H-how should I know" replied Zack not giving his emotion away since he felt relieved to see Leah fine.

"Tsk tsk!" Jason waved his index finger like a mother earning her child.
"Zack this is a matter of our friend's safety and future"
 said Jason in a serious voice, Zack winced since he's not far from the truth.
"If she's stalking a man who looks like that I'm afraid there's something wrong with her head, 
which is usually the case but that's besides the point, mah man! let's follow her" recommended Jason

Then without a second Jason pulled Zack into a corner
 and began tailing her, they looked even more suspicious as the chain tailing continued.
Passing every nooks and crannies of the victoria and albert roads, 
they stumbled upon a famous building dubbed as 'Jimi Hendrix flat'

The stylized texture of the walls of the building gives it an amorous attitude.
Obviously not suited for the disheveled boy and the tailing trio.
the boy looked above the structure, like he's preparing himself.

He took a deep breath and opened the door then turned
 around making sure that no one was following him.
of course this passed as something different to Zack since
 he's obviously inviting whoever that's tailing him to follow suit.

Zack's experience eye's cannot be fooled so easily by
 this as he quickly lunge after Leah, 
 she gives a girlish squeal.
"Eeeekk! a molester" she exclaimed

"What?" Replied Zack
Leah hop back and turned around , 
eyes wide like a dear staring on a car's headlights.
She then quickly released her shoulders and sighed relief.
"Oh it's the bully" she rolled her eyes.

"urrkk" Zack slowly remembered what he said to her at school 
earlier, his worry was quickly renewed into embarrassment.
The noisy district is of course not helping Zack to think. 

"Leah whats gotten into you?" Said Jason as he appeared 
behind Zack who's still, hanging his head down.
"Heh?" Leah tilted her head in confusion.
"Why are you stalking that guy? is he really that hot" Jason began to louder his voice.
"Shhhh!!! quite down!! you idiot" Leah moved quickly in front of Jason and covered his mouth.

"Ammppfff!!" Jason struggled a bit and calmed down.
"I'll explain you what happened" Leah began to tell him about earlier this morning
"Ohh! Ohh! that's cool! let's rescue the guy 
maybe he's getting blackmailed or something!" Exclaimed Jason excitedly.

"Oh! I never thought of that! maybe he's getting blackmailed!" replied Leah following Jason's energy.
"Let's not jump to conclusions yet, we still haven't talked to the guy" Said Zack 
 resting his back on the buildings wall.
"Hmm then what shall we do hot shot?" teased Leah.

"Simple! follow him inside the apartment and get him talking!" 
Jason shuffled near the door and grabbed the handle.

"Hey wait!" Zack ran after them
Leah raised her hand to stop Zack "Zack you should
 remain here in case if something happened I'll call you to get the police"

"What?! but that's stupid! do you even know
 what you're getting into?!" Zack started to get annoyed at Leah's stubbornness.
"No that's why you should be here to be our last resort in case
 if something happens to us" Leah smiled calmly.

staring at each other, Zack looked away "Fine.." said Zack unwillingly
"trust us Zack we'll be fine and we trust you too okay
so cover our backs while we're at it" Leah's word finally convinced Zack.
He nodded and sighed to blow his worries away.

"Be careful both of you any sign of something dangerous don't hesitate to call me okay?"
Leah nodded, "hey you lovebirds done! come one 
we gotta catch up" exclaimed Jason from the inside.
"Wha!! we're not love birds you idiot!" retorted Leah with a flushed cheeks

"Yeah whatever come on!" replied Jason
"well then I'm going off!" Leah closed the door as Zack stood
 beside it pretending to be a bystander with nothing important to do.
Of course he can't calm down and the noisy District doesn't help him too....

Act end


© 2016 Tearflow

Author's Note

Ohh... what will happened inside?

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Added on May 18, 2016
Last Updated on June 9, 2016



New York, United States Minor Outlying Islands

An everyday guy who one day thought to write a story and share it on some online site for fun and expirience. more..
