*Get Smart Act 6*

*Get Smart Act 6*

A Story by Tearflow

Continuation of Act 5.2

*4:56 P.M.

After the event at the hotel, the three agreed to meet at the Mcdafe; A local food 
joint where Zack work; after they have cooled their heads.
The black asphalt highway on greenford street doesn't seems to change shape no 
matter how many cars drive over it, it drives Zack crazy on how many people are 
walking,working and doing their business all day without noticing some flaws around them. 

Usually Zack will report the problem he encountered with the police 
but his idiotic friends seems to think less, as this became a leeway for them to become detectives. 
Zack isn't really against the idea of it since it's also rubbing off to him, the 
excitement the others are feeling, such as going on a rendezvous in the place he 
works which gives a high possibility of another two duffle heads joining into their cause.

Zack is obviously opposed to it but the majority won and now he must head towards Mcdafe.
Reaching his place isn't really that tiring anymore even though he just walked 5 
kilometers from greenford must have been his daily walking routine from here to 
school which is even more far away.

The same energetic neon light of the store seems to be laughing at him saying:
'See you're having fun! feels good right?' Zack scoff at this things remark and 
ignore it, pushing the glass door apart and browsing his friend's seat. 

'Ah' Zack saw them ordering on the counter
He smiled 'free food' it seems the tension is not enough to contain his hunger what a sad life he is living.
Zack walked over to them "Hey let's that seat near the condiments" he said
The two turned around fast as if they're doing something bad
"Oh Zack! it's just you" Said Leah apparently relieved.
"Oh Hai Zack!" Said Jason with the look as Leah's.

Zack raised his head to look behind them
They both moved their heads in sync blocking Zack's view
He moved right, they moved right
He moved left , they moved left
apparently they are making a scene unbeknownst to the stares at them 
they keep doing a ridiculous synchronized head bobbing.

Finally Zack caught the chase and moved towards Leah, her face flushed instantly.
causing her to freeze and saw a girl behind Jason's poor cover.
It's a girl he knew from his childhood, yes his sister Maureen.
Zack frowned, as he trots toward the counter; anger is plastered on his face; 
ignoring the piling stares at him.

Maureen noticed her brother and instinctively step back, she really made her mad, 
she clutched her chest like a child about to be yelled by her parents.
The other crew surrounding her gave her an apologetic stare.
Zack reached the counter then instead of giving her a full fledged lecture he 

smiled, this took her back and frowned back at her brother.
"Hey can I get a *blabber blabber blabber*" 
Maureen brain function seems to have stopped at this time thus another girl took 
the counter and gave her a pat on the back.

She looked behind and saw Nikki, a friend of Zack and also the reason she had this 
work; since she's just new at this type of work she helped her at apply as a crew 
without Zack knowing of course; she just hang her head down and went into the crew room.

Her feet seems to be heavy as every steps pains her chest but she bit her lip and 
swore to not just have the good things, she wanted to help her brother, she wanted 
to be like him;brave and smart; but she seems to have all the opposite. 

Clumsy,impulsive,childish she always blames herself that's why Zack needs to work 
hard for her sake and so she finally decided to end this childish part of her and become an adult. 
Maureen finally reached the crew room and took a sit, the cool air from the AC 
helped her cool off as she thinks up of excuses to say.

"Thanks for not lashing out on her" Whispered Nikki pretending to take an order.
"Of course I would get fired if I did" Replied Zack 
"You really are a smart brother just like she said unbelievable" 
"Gee thanks" Zack looked behind him and saw the other accomplices all smiling 
dumbly, he sighed and tasked them to find a good seat.

They both nodded and scooted away as if they're running.
Zack looked around, it seems to stares have subsided,he sighed relief and looked 
back at Nikki "So what are you getting?"
"4 burgers and coke" 
"That will be 40 pounds!" Nikki energetically exclaimed
"Ahahahaha *You pay it or i'll tell them about the bathroom accident* thanks!" 
Zack replied back in the same manner, making Nikki wince
"uuuuuuhh you meanie!"

Walking away from the counter Zack took another breath to cool of his head and 
readied his mind to focus, he'll deal with the matter about his sister later for 
now he must appease those two so they won't do anything reckless from here.
Zack pumped his chest, chanting his favorite phrase "one things at a time, hah... 
things look bleak from here huh?"

Zack sighed again just how many times did he sigh just for today?
Shortly he reached their table and sat near Jason with Leah on the opposite side
the scene behind glass wall beside Jason seems to give a silent act from Zack's perspective. 

The lively chatter around the area and cool AC is too perfect to ruin 
yet here they are about to talk something dangerous
'How I love my life' Zack thought
"Okay now to our agenda" said Leah placing a hand on her chin like an office 
secretary would be doing it actually suited her.
"Can you tell me what you inside the building?" Asked Zack.

"Eh nothing but a chemical mix between a monkey playing paint and a koala on 
shrooms" A perfect description from Jason
"Okay you must be talking about the first floor, I also got the hint just by 
staring at the walls outside" Zack was honest about this as it almost gave him eye 
cancer, hmmm now that's a disease I'd like to have.

"Anything aside from that?" 
"Yeah it seems that Jason's idea about it being a blackmail is true" Leah frowned at the word blackmail.
"See I told you! I'm a genius!" Jason is overflowing with pride as he flex his biceps looking utterly stupid.

"Tone it down a bit Tarzan you're embarrassing us here" scoffed Leah
"Oppps!" Jason looked behind at the other group of teens behind them who seems to be laughing at them.
"How did you know it was blackmailing?" Zack began his usual cross examination that surpasses intelligent cats.

"So we we're sneaking behind the target" Jason leaned closer "then he climbed up 
the stairs and so we followed" he looked at Leah asking her with his eyes to continue, she sighed
"Basically We got up the second floor and came to a hallways with doors on each 
side like a hotel? is what I can closely relate it too"

Leah described the relevant information about
the doors and breathing inside the rooms when the listened with cupped ears.
"And then a shout came from the last door of the hallway it really scared ya know?"
Leah seems to grimace as she remembers the scene.

"Yeah the shout was about the boy not paying his or rather their debts" continued 
Jason looking serious this time.
"I see... that really is a good progress I gotta say for you two idiots getting 
that much is out of your league" Said Zack which obviously earned a laugh.

"Yeah you're the to talk since you almost sell us off" Replied Jason.
"Huh?" Zack tilted his heading confusion.
Leah visibly winced her face full with fear, this worried Zack and begged him to continue
"What happened? tell me"

Jason told Zack about the phone call he made
"Oh... I see.." Zack looked away, he felt guilty for bringing his friends life on 
harms way just for a bad timed phone call.
"It's fine Zack don't worry about it" Leah's words were nowhere comforting as she 
thinks since Zack is still beating himself with it.

"Hey don't sweat it you still saved us in the end you know?" Said Jason as he gives Zack a pat on the back.
"I did?" Zack didn't believe this of course.
"Well.." Leah stilled herself and continued to retell what happened under the bed
At times leah makes a face but whenever she talks about Zack a faint smile comes 
creeping upon her face, It seems we got something here but besides that she 
finally gave a laugh when the man just said Pizza.

"Hey come on, what will I come up with? I just heard a really scary voice from the other line" Defended Zack
"Yeah right I'd like some hot and pepper bacon please" Said John
"With mushrooms on top!" Added Leah who seems to got her energy back
"Oh shut up!" snapped Zack, in the end they laughed at Zack about his silly comeback with the pizza.

"But geez... that phone call was really a lifesaver" Said Leah with a smile
"Yeah if you didn't call he would've seen us" Added Jason fear is noticeable on 
his tone, just what would have happened to them if he didn't call? Zack shook his head refusing to think about it.

"OH! OH!" exclaimed Leah apparently excited like the tension a moment ago wasn't 
real she leaned her head closer to the two
"I saw the face of the man!" she proudly expressed.

"What?" Retorted Jason
"What did he looked like?" Zack asked with a serious tone
"He had blue eyes, sharp eyes,a light stubble on the face and a gentlemen-like expression" Recalled Leah easily.

"Wow you managed to memorize at that time?" Asked Jason.
"Of course I was staring hard at him hoping to not look at us, memorizing it on the way us just a coincidence." Leah proudly Replied.

"Hmmm..." Zack scratched his head, the facts still looks a little muddied.
If it's really about a debt then they must talk to the boy about the payment his gonna make to rescue his sister.
Just by listening to his friend's description about the two guys, he knows they're not gonna stop at that.
Who knows what they might do after payments have been done considering he somewhat managed to pay.

He sighed, 'Ahhhh what have I gotten myself into' he thought
"Oh come one Zack now that we know that they're blackmailing we can involve the police now" contributed Jason who seems happy about it.
"Yeah!" agreed Leah, apparently the two are so simple minded that made Zack jealous.

How long has it been since he had a carefree thought, no consequences to look, 
just pure idea about what you're gonna do today, tomorrow and after?
He doesn't seem to remember so he looked at them:

 "What are you gonna say? we managed to get this information 
about blackmailing by breaking into a private property?"
The two made a dumb smile apparently they really didn't think that thoroughly.
"What are you two gonna do without me.." Zack mumbled.

"Hey that's why you're here!" Replied Jason with a carefree energy
"I concur!!" followed Leah
'What an easy life they have' thought Zack but it's not that bad though, he longed 
to feel special at least and being a brain of their group has been giving 
him the attention he wants or so he thought.

The group agreed to find the boy tomorrow, the two are hesitant to agree but Zack 
managed to persuade them since it's already late now and what's more worse than 
being caught by a criminal is being grounded by your parents.
Waving their good bye Zack watched them leave then came Maureen, tip toeing behind Zack.

"I know you're there Maureen, come seat in front of 
me we are gonna have a long talk" threatened Zack
"uuuuuuhh" mumbled Maureen
Her black shoulder length bobbed hair appeared on Zack's vision as she gracefully 
took a step beside him and sat in front.

'She's too beautiful to be my sister' thought Zack
Her white porcelain skin, reddish lips and round eyes, plus the mcdafe uniform 
really boost her appearance above the limits.

Maureen felt that Zack is boring holes through her body particularly her chest, 
she tilted her head and tried to open her mouth but decided not to do so 
since he might get mad for her talking back.

Maureen put her hands together and squirmed around as Zack kept staring at her 
eventually Zack opened his mouth and looked behind her.
She felt a tinge of sadness since he's not looking at 
her anymore which made her blush 'why did I think that?" she thought.

"Okay first since when did you start working here?" Asked her brother.
"Since yesterday" Maureen looked around as she rock her upper body apparently
 a habit she had whenever she's nervous.

"Yesterday? who put you up to it" 
"No one did, I just wanna help you that's all" She replied
"Help me? You're already troubling by making me worry you know?" Snapped Zack
Maureen frowned "But I really wanna help you!" Exclaimed Maureen apparently 
they're voices mix well with the crowd that they don't look like fighting at all .

mainly because Maureen doesn't really look like angry at all.
"That's why you're troubling me, who knows what might happen to you!"
"Is it because I'm stupid and dumb?! Your're alwaysh treating me shlike a child 
and I hate it!" Maureen is too flustered that her words slurred.

"No it's not like that-" Zack pleaded but Maureen stood up and took a deep breath.
"I hate you! stupid stuwid stuwid Zack!" Maureen shouted and ran out of the store.
Her childish look and attitude didn't even scratch Zack nor hurt him, in his eyes 
she just looked like a child havong a tantrum.

'She did her best not to cry' thought Zack as he watches her leave, knowing her, 
she'll just be sulking for an hour and then make up with him.
Apparently the crowd didn't give a thought about the two since it looked like two 
lovers having a game that sibling fighting at each other.

sometimes Zack thought being stupid isn't that bad as they say 'Ignorance is a bliss'
"She's really cute even when angry huh?" A voice came beside Zack
"Shut up" Replied Zack without batting an eyelash at the voice
Nikki sat in front of Zack, replacing the seat that Maureen vacated, she quickly 
placed a tray with two burgers and drinks on the table.

Zack frowned "You nasty criminal" Zack looked at Nikki sharply
"hehehe come on now it's free" Nikki held her hand out to Zack as if she's training an animal.
"uuuuhhhh" now Zack is somehow imitating Maureen's mumbling as he guiltily reach his hand for the burger.

"Come on now it's free" Apparently Nikki tried to cheer Zack up not because of him 
getting mad at her but instead for him not to hate himself
Since she knows how important his sister to him and getting mad at her is not even possible.
If there's anything that happened today it's that Zack hated himself for raising his voice to his sister.

"Don't be to hard on yourself now" Said Nikki as she watched Zack eats, she really like her pets.
"Why did you let her?" Asked Zack
"Besides from the fact that our restaurants needs additional crews, she's too cute 
to resist you know? also it seems the others and the manager has the hots for her" She looked at 
the counter and counted the guys who gave his sister a lecherous glance.

"You don't say but she too you know.." Zack looked away
"Yeah too childish to even realize that" They both sighed.
"She really wants to help you Zack couldn't you at least unchain her from your needless worry, besides Axel and me will take care of her." Pronounced Leah then her phone vibrated "Oh it must be Axel!" she exclaimed.
"Go on" Said Zack
"Sorry!" She stood up and went on near the bathrooms.

'Her cellphone is expensive looking' he thought then his eyes widened.
Of course how could he forget, the criminals had Leah's phone!
"Stupid!" he snarled at himself.


© 2016 Tearflow

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Author's Note

A sister complex and sudden plot? what's next?!
Anyways I'm Back guys! let's have some fun

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Added on May 22, 2016
Last Updated on June 9, 2016



New York, United States Minor Outlying Islands

An everyday guy who one day thought to write a story and share it on some online site for fun and expirience. more..
