Pure Evil

Pure Evil

A Poem by The High Poet

This is a little poem about my evil step father.

An evil man born from a snake
When he yells the room does shake
He was a monster before his fall
Hit his head now his brain is small
So much anger spews from his lips
Constant waves hitting the ships
Evil, a monster, a demon I see
Lock him up and throw away the key
How can a man be so bad?
Is he calm or is his brain mad?
All I did was stand up to him
Taking shots off the chin
He has the power to take my freedom away
Telling lies about me almost everyday

© 2010 The High Poet

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There are many in the world that struggle with their own conscience on a daily basis and unfortunately take it out on the ones they love or care for. All we can do is know in our hearts what the truth is and try to stay at peace in the face of adversity. Peace!

Posted 13 Years Ago

I really liked this. I thought some of the rhymes felt forced but other than that, this was a great poem. I also, felt that it ended to suddenly.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Unfortunately, I think everyone knows someone like this. Good discription of evilness and makes me wonder what there is to learn, or why?
In line #8, is the use of 'through' your intention, or did you mean 'throw'?

Posted 13 Years Ago

Strong, succinct and telling work. Blessings to you in dealing with such a person. I can truly empathize as I have known people like this as well in my life. Strength to you - it seems in your writing you have it though.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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I really enjoyed reading this. The anger was very clearly described and it flowed great. Good job :)


Posted 14 Years Ago

Wow. Powerful through such strong word choice. I could feel some hate churning inside of me because I caught myself and wondered where it came from. This is such a powerful piece that just oozes with hate. Very nice. Good job and keep up the good work!

Posted 14 Years Ago

I liked it. And though it was about your step father, I pictured the devil, or atleast someone like him/it. It was true and I liked it. I mean, I thought of it as a little hard to comprehend but that's what I think poetry is all about and I liked it. Great piece. :]
Keep writing,

Posted 14 Years Ago

wow Iall I can say is again, wow

Posted 14 Years Ago

I don't really know what to say. I mean, I'm no child of abuse and I just don't acknowledge my step father because he's no one to me. All I can say is that I can't stand it when adults take such advantage of children, stripping them of their own thoughts of this world and giving them gloom and frustration, though strength and wisdom.

Abusive people make me so sick, I can't even say it in words.

N'ways, I like the poem, though. Gave me lots of empathy and emotion, so it's very powerful.

Posted 14 Years Ago

sounds like my ex step dad

Posted 14 Years Ago

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24 Reviews
Added on April 16, 2010
Last Updated on August 4, 2010


The High Poet
The High Poet

Guelph, Guelph, Canada

Once I ran and hid my face Scared to face my disgrace Always running no way out Now I stand and shout THESE ARE MY RHYMES! When I write it's like I have tapped into some kind of creative ener.. more..


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