Raban's Perspective on Love

Raban's Perspective on Love

A Story by Alexandra Hounschell

Enjoy or whatever. I was in a Raban mood. I think I'll introduce you all to my characters through something like this, but I'm not that motivated today, so eh.

Really? You want to know my opinion on the non-concrete belief of love? You must truly be a schmuck if you're asking me this. Ugh, alright, I'll answer.. Only if you promise to skedaddle and never again bother me with stupidity like this.
Love isn't tangible. It's just a dainty little theory like happiness and god. I have yet to find "true love" and honestly doubt that I ever will. "But Raban" I hear you say in your stupid, annoying, voice; "Don't you love Buer and living and working and.. And uh.." I'll stop you right there. I hate living, and I'm forced to work. I enjoy Buer, but I don't love him; he's a fallen angel who took over the body of a cat.. That's just strange. 
I do see women I wouldn't mind being with, but it's all just for lust. Lust is tangible. Our body makes us have the desires, and it's part of every living beings instinct. We need to breed to continue our species, and sex is fun. Love isn't something I feel as deeply as most beings. I refuse to say that it doesn't completely exist, but to me it doesn't. Many claim to love someone to death and they wish to be spiritually bound to them.. I would never want my partner to have to deal with me even into the spiritual realm. 
Say what you want about the concept of love; I don't care. If I actually did want an opinion about love, I'd resurrect my grandmother Abelind and her wife Illa. They'd give me an earful on it.. Fools.. Well, I hope this answered your idiotic question well enough. I have better things to do.. Like uh.. Cut and make people feel terrible. Good day or whatever.  

© 2016 Alexandra Hounschell

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Added on January 3, 2016
Last Updated on January 3, 2016
Tags: Love


Alexandra Hounschell
Alexandra Hounschell

Miami, FL

I'm just a young female who likes to write nonsense. I like sunsets and walks on the beach (lining it up for the joke).. Oh and writing about terrible things and whatnot. I'm just a joke in all honest.. more..
