The Fallout From Finding, Friending, and Forgetting You

The Fallout From Finding, Friending, and Forgetting You

A Poem by Ellen C

not all friends are forever

If you weren't real my live has been nothing but a vapor
I had never felt anything more solid
When the ground shifted under my feet,
You were there
But now you are equally unsteady
The words, words I never thought you would say
tumbled out of you mouth
We're falling* apart

*we fell

© 2015 Ellen C

Author's Note

Ellen C
this actually wasn't about a romantic relationship when i wrote it but it has become that way. (first post!!)

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You have seasoned your poem with some well-chosen words. It is a good first post.
I hope you will share more expressions of your poetic inspirations.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on June 21, 2015
Last Updated on June 21, 2015
Tags: love, falling, unsteady


Ellen C
Ellen C

Ayden, NC

I am a 16 year-old girl with a passion for a written word. I would like to share some of my mind with anyone who will listen. Follow me at: instagram:ellenrenee13 more..
