it's okay

it's okay

A Poem by the tipsy writer

How many futures lie ahead

When the past still drums 

It’s old, persistent song 

In well worn, bloody chambers. 

I’ll live in the comfort 

Of what I know and what I’ve loved.

To never grow and explore.

Returning to the same sunsets 

But never seeing beyond horizons. 

To live where it’s safe and stagnant.

It’s a quiet life, with little highs and little lows.

To go beyond is to become vulnerable 

To the whims of my emotional being

That cries at night and sings through days.

In that exhausting, never-ending cycle of what-ifs. 

What will be? What could be? What should be?

And then.

A pause.

A breath of eternality.

The very same from that moment in childhood 

When I saw some brief glimpse 

Into the shaking turmoil of what is human.

Some brief understanding that disappears 

Before I fully comprehend. 

Here I find peace. 

Peace in the disarray of living. 

I’ll place my feet on solid ground

Of invisible sentiment

Despite shaking, falling walls

And know 

Through it all,

I’ll be okay. 

© 2022 the tipsy writer

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Added on September 26, 2022
Last Updated on September 26, 2022


the tipsy writer
the tipsy writer


About me? Flourless chocolate cake is my favorite thing in this world. I think the movie "Elf" is overrated... sorry, not sorry. I would kill for a fraction of Terry Pratchett's wit. I was switc.. more..
