The day I found him

The day I found him

A Story by Weeping Willow

This is about a women who finds her true love.


My name is Jess, I am 26 years old and I want to tell you my story. It all started 3 week before Christmas, I was shopping for presents for my family and friends, and then I meet him my soul mate. The day I found him was the best day of my life, but it is also the beginning of my demise.

“What a lovely day,” Jess says to herself while she was walking in the mall. All of a sudden a man came and pushed her to the ground and grabbed her bag. “Hey that’s my bag,” she said running after the man, she folded the man until she cornered him in an alley way. “Give me back my bag,” she said walking up to him, the burglar whistled and a group of his friend came and beat her up. She passed out for a few hours and found herself in someone’s house. “Where I’m I?” she said to herself,

“I’m sorry but I couldn’t take you to the hospital because the nearest one is near the bikie gangs. So I took you to my house.” Said a man in his late twenties, walking up to her.

“That’s okay, I don’t need to go anyway.” Jess said sitting up “Thank- you, but I should be getting home now.” Jess says walking out the door, when Jess returned home her house was a mess it looked like a dump. And as she started to clean up she remembered that she has lost all her money and is now broke. “I guess I’m going to have to sell my house.” Jess said sitting down, “I never realised how much I relied on my grandmother’s money.” She said lying on the bed, “Oh well, there’s no use crying over spilt milk.”

A few weeks later I found a place to rent and got a job as a waitress, that’s when I ran into him again.

Jess was working at the dinner as usually when the same man that helped her a few weeks back came in.

“Well it’s nice to see you again.” Jess said getting ready to take his order,

“Yes it is, by the way my name is Jackson.” Said Jackson

“And mine is Jess,” replied Jess

Another few weeks later we started dating, but he never told me his job or where he was going when he had to go out for a few days. I found out the hard way, it was just another Tuesday night, Jackson was out and then when they came for me. A group full of police officer and S.W.A.T members broke into Jackson’s house and took me away. They took me to their base and at their base they started to question me about Jackson, but I didn’t know how to answer those questions. Soon another they started to torcher me, but I won’t budge. Just the day before they were going to kill me Jackson broke into their base, to save me but I didn’t want to be saved.

Jackson broke into Jess prison sell and grabbed her arm trying to get her out of there.    

“I’m staying right here until my excision,” Jess said sitting down

“Jess I don’t have time for this, whatever they said to you was a lie. I’m with the C.I.A and these people are terrorist trying to kill me and my loved one.” Jackson said trying to make me stand up,

The next minute a gun shot went off and I died, I wish I had of listen to him I wish I had of believed him but I didn’t. Now you may think my story is boring and over, but it’s not the next second a flash of light took over my body and I became Jackson guardian angel. I watch over Jackson and protect him, even though he’s moved on and started a family I still love him. And watch over him until the day he dies and joins me, he was my true love my soul mate.

© 2012 Weeping Willow

Author's Note

Weeping Willow
Terrible grammar

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Wow... just wow... I loved this! ;~; There should've been more romance there.. but still!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Interesting to read.

Posted 11 Years Ago's not at all's a pretty nice story to read.....but yes.i should definitely admit it.that line in which you wrote."I died".seriously blew me away.i figured out few grammatical mistakes.i hope you don't mind if i point them out......

“Where I’m I?” should be "where am i?"

" I’m going to have to sell my house."......"i guess i have to sell my house"

back came in..came back in

I wish I had of listen to him I wish I had of believed him but I didn’t. ......i wish i would have listened him.i wish i would have believed in him...

it's really very enthralling to read...nice work!!!!thanks for sharing a very nice story with us!!!:D.......

Posted 11 Years Ago

it really good beside the grammar/typos

Posted 11 Years Ago

I really liked this story of yours... Even though there are grammar errors here and there. But the story was so great that those errors are like nothing.
Great job :3

Posted 11 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on September 12, 2012
Last Updated on September 12, 2012


Weeping Willow
Weeping Willow

Dream land, Shelbyville, Australia

My name is Weeping Willow I am a girl, and I love to write. I’m not always good and usually get bored of something easily. I’m a little weird and far out when it comes to stories. Even th.. more..
