This World

This World

A Poem by Ina

I am not good at this world. 

Living between two beautiful places,
what I am looking for does not exist.

The challenge is searching, always, 
knowing satisfaction is fleeting in imperfection.

Is perfect to much to ask for?
Of course.

Is death to much to take?
I think not.

The most I have is almost ugly,
the pressure to succeed necessary.

Sitting watching the tide turn is not perfect, nor harmful,
nor encouraging, nor inspiration, it all is     beauty.

Wise old man thinks to himself, girl starves herself for attention,
a solider believing good works, the hungry boy shares an apple.

Dying for a name in vein all the same,
I believe in hope, hell and humanity.

I trust that what makes us love will save us,
knowing it wont, life, ha! Its amazing.

© 2012 Ina

Author's Note

Introspective thoughts of mine. Focus on listening deeply, loving without limits, & living with intentions.

My Review

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I cant begin to tell you how much I understand and relate to these feelings. You will find you are among your own here with poets.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

:) Thank you!
Good things to think and believe. Beautiful write.

Posted 12 Years Ago

'. . .girl starves herself for attention. . .'
I just love the double meaning in that

Posted 12 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on December 6, 2011
Last Updated on August 3, 2012
Tags: world, beautiful, challenge, satisfaction, imperfection, perfect, death, ugly, pressure, tide, harmful, encouraging, beauty, old, attention, apple, hungry, dying, vain, hope, hell, humanity, love



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