Chapter 10

Chapter 10

A Chapter by whatamafu

            Lisanna awoke in a jumble of uncertainty. She looked around. Light from the morning sun shown through the window. Her surroundings lacked the familiar appearance of her room. The feel of the bed beneath her was different. Neat piles of folded clothing covered the floor.


            I’m in Hiro’s room. But where is Hiro? And why am I in his bed!?!


She examined herself and was relieved to find her person fully clothed. The details from the previous night started coming back to her. She remembered getting tired and sitting down next to Hiro. She had wanted to rest for just a moment. I guess it ended up being a little more than a moment…


            She made her way to the door and opened it. There, sleeping against the adjacent wall, she found a boy. They were the only ones out there. The same bland empty halls filled the entire “lesser” boys’ dorm.


            She shook Hiro awake. “That doesn’t look very comfortable. Why are you out here?”


            A groggy Hiro rubbed at his eyes, then stretched his neck while winching slightly. “Gahhahhaaa… My neck is stiff.”


            “Dummy! That’s why I asked why you slept out here. You gave me the bed didn’t you? ”


            The image of an angel still burned in his mind. “You snore too loud, and I couldn’t very well make a girl sleep in the hall of a boys’ dorm.”


            Her checks became very flushed in both anger and embarrassment. “I-I do not snore.”


            “Sounds like a gale.”


            There’s no way. It’s not possible I snore. Right? I mean, I’m the only one in my room, and I’m asleep when I’m asleep, so I wouldn’t be able to tell… But there is no way!


            Seeing the evident panic on her face, Hiro confessed to his white lie. “Relax. You don’t snore. I was just messing with you.”


            She kicked his still sitting form over. “Jerk!! You don’t do that to a girl.”


            He grabbed at his wrappings as he fell over. The old floorboard creaked a little from the shift in weight. “Arg ah ah-”


            Lisanna quickly realized her mistake. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mea-“


            “-Ah… Actually, they don’t hurt anymore.”


            “What?! Did you see what they looked like yesterday? Wounds like that don’t heal overnight!” Hiro removed his bandages to reveal that, while the injuries where still there, they had in fact closed up. “… What are you?”


            The boy smirked. “It must be because you took good care of me-“ His voice took on a mischievous tone. “-all night.”


            She shook her hand in front of hers face. “I didn’t do anything like that. I’m a proper girl.”


            “Proper girls don’t fall asleep in a boy’s room… On their bed…” He paused for extra emphasis. “…Let alone in their lap.”


            Her body went rigid, and her cheeks flushed. “W-W-what?!?!”


            “You were cuddled up right on top of me.”


            “T-there’s no way something like that happened!”


            “I wonder what would happen if I told others about that… I’m sure rumors would spread quite quickly. What do you think?”


            “You wouldn’t!!!”


            “That Todo guy would certainly hear of it.”


            Hiro found a pair of drawn wakazashi at his throat.


            “Last. Night. Did. Not. Happen.”


            He pushed the blades aside. “Actually, it did. But don’t worry, I wont tell anyone. Consider it part of a thank you. I really am grateful; for everything. When I woke up yesterday, I saw what you did for me. Once I realized all that you did, I couldn’t very well leave you to sleep in the odd position you were in. I didn’t want you waking up stiff, so I gave you the bed.”


            She replied a little guiltily. “You mean waking up the way you did just now?”


            “Don’t worry about me. I feel great already!” He did a few arm rotations as if to prove his point.


            The sound of the warning bell echoed through the halls of the dorm.


            “Crap! I was wondering why no one was here! I had no idea it was this late already! You’re going to be late Lisanna! You don’t have time to go back to your place and get ready!”


            “I’m fine, there’s nothing I need right now anyway. Let’s just go!” She began to drag the boy away.


            “Wait! I haven’t even had breakfast!”


            “You said so yourself, there’s no time!”


            “There’s always time for food!” Fake tears streamed down his face as he was forcefully brought to the school building.


            Dew still clung to the grass, and it wetted their shoes on their way to the school. Sounds of morning animals scurrying around as they searched for their breakfast could be heard. Other than some passing birds, No one was between them and the school.


            When they reached the school, the sounds of a commotion in the distance drew their attention away from the front entrance. They could see their class gathered in the distance. They were at the combat rings. Deciding that they were supposed to be there as well, they joined them. Their class had experienced a growth in numbers from the seniors who had chosen to rollback during the squadron ceremony.


Kamishi’s voice rang out from the front of the class. “-And prove your worth. Now who among you will step up?”


Apparently Kamishi felt the need to test the development of the juniors’ battle skills, so Samakina had convened an all day battle schedule. Hiro felt himself forced forward by a few of his dorm mates. They must have thought it funny to force him forward as a joke, knowing he was the weakest in the class.


Kamishi acted as if Hiro standing before him meant nothing special. “Good. Now, I need one more to fight him?”


Hiro readied himself. If Kamishi want’s to see me fight, then I’ll show him a victory. You say, “Do not disappoint me.” Well I won’t.


Yawaihito, a rollback who ranked in the middle of the class, stepped forward. Kamishi indicated for them to go into the frozen territory. The land was barren for the most part. Icy outcrops were sparse. Snow littered the ground, but it never actually fell. Whatever odd force produced these biomes seemed to generate the flakes from the ground itself. The two contestents reached the middle of the ring and prepaired for battle. With a signal from Kamishi, they charged.


Yawahito possessed a strange power of both illusion and physical manipulation. He could slightly alter the size of his body, but his appearance would not change. Opponents would be left seeing an incorrect image, making dodging or evading far more difficult.


Hiro’s mind raced. Smaller or larger? If he goes with larger then he will hit sooner than seen, if he goes smaller, then the hit comes after The first strike can often determin the result of battle. He has to go with larger.


The flat snow covered ground was broken in with each step the contestants took towards each other. White dusted kicked up with each bound. Yawahito’s fist shot out towards Hiro’s face. Hiro made an early dodge. Under most cercumstances, a skilled opponent would be left with plenty of time to adjust their attack based on the dodge. However, an invisible force passed just by Hiro’s cheek as he moved out of the way. The image of the fist came after. He had chosen correctly.


Hiro took advantage of the now over reaching enemy, and sent a fist of his own right into his face. However, Yawahito tucked his chin and dove right into the strike with a head but. The strong bone of the forehead smashed into knuckles. The experience was not pleasant for either of them, but they had no time to recover. Each of them slid back on the icy ground. Yawahito recovered and rushed right at Hiro. However, his target was fast, and Hiro dodged him. Yawahito instantly went into a dive, and pushed his hands into the ground, driving back with his foot, he sent a kick at Hiro’s waist.


Hiro had a fraction of a moment to decide. Big or small? He went big the first time so-


The strike occurred before it appeared. He had gone with big again. The brown haired boy was left clutching his side as he slid back a little. Cold snow worked its way over the top edges of his shoes, and inside of them. Hiro had no time to notice the chilling sensation. Yawahito whirled around with a kick already above Hiro’s head and sent it down fast. Hiro displayed amazing agility and reaction speed by performing a back handspring kick that meet his opponents mid air. Hiro had the advantage being able to push off from the ground, and his kick overwhelmed the other. Yawahito landed off balance, and stumbled back in retreat. However, Hiro had already darted forward before sending a low kick. The unfortunate man had his feet knocked out from under him, and collapsed face first to the frozen earth.


Hiro was not the type to capitalize on his opponent’s now vulnerable position. He allowed him to recover. A small patch of ice beneath Yawahito’s face was dyed crimson before fading to pink at its edges. He got up on one knee before spitting blood from his mouth, and then began to stand once more. White flakes covered most of his body now, and the ice crystals aided his physical exertion in turning his face a harsh red.


Yawahito rose with his fists clenched, and then he steadied himself. After taking a moment, he charged Hiro again. Right before contact, he threw a pile of snow into Hiro’s face. The white cloud erupted around the brown haired boy, disorienting him. No longer able to see, Hiro immediately assumed a guard position, and tightened the muscles in his body. He was braced for a strike.


It came in the form of a punch to the kidney. Hiro’s tightened abdominals absorbed the impact. Despite his temporary blindness, Hiro latched onto the hand that struck him with both of his own hands. He yanked Yawahito forward. The sudden change in balance, mixed with the slick ground, caused Yawahito to come down with tremendous force. Hiro sent his knee right into the stomach of the falling boy. Keeping in contact with Yawahito, he moved in with an upwards elbow to the chin before sending multiple strikes to the face as his opponent collapsed to the ground again.


With the flurry of blows over, and Yawahito collapsed before him, Hiro reached up with his swollen hands, and he wiped the dust from his blinded eyes. He could no longer feel his hands, but he didn’t even notice. Looking down at his opponent, he allowed him to regain his composure.


After being allowed to recover a second time, Yawahito was furious. His nose was busted, and his lip was split. His garments were both wet and snow covered. Streams of red flowed from his face down his snow-garnished clothing.  Yawahito’s rage boiled as he spoke. “That was a mistake Hiro! I underestimated how much better you had gotten. Your chance to win ended right there. I will not hold back anymore! I am going to beat you!” He lunged forward as Hiro took on a guard position ideal for countering.


A female voice rang out from the crowd. “You aren’t going to beat anyone. Kick his a*s Hiro!!!”


The brown haired boy was caught not paying attention as he looked over to the girl calling to him.  Lisanna is cheering for me…


“Keep your eyes were they should be!” One of Yawahito’s fists crushed into Hiro’s face and the other into his stomach. A double strike. He had manipulated one to be larger, and the other smaller, making it near impossible to deal with both. However, the extra effort was in vain with the target being preoccupied. Hiro had not defended, braced, or countered the strike in any way.


Lisanna deadpanned as the boy collapsed unconscious “…Idiot.”


Samakina, dragged Hiro off the field. Despite his loss, he was in beter condition than the victor. The bald muscle man shook his head. Just how have you improved this much? The others might not have noticed, but if you hadn’t been a fool there, you would have won that fight. Even without powers, your speed and reflexes are astounding. Yawahito is not the kind of man to hold back, even if he says that he did. At the pace that fight was going, you would have overwhelmed him. Your body was stronger, your mind was sharper, and your strikes were far more powerful. Why is it I have never seen this until now?


Kamishi’s facial expressions betrayed nothing, but his eyes shown with the light of excitement. If this is what he is like as he is now… If only the others knew… Hiro, you will not disappoint me.


More fights progressed as Lisanna watched over the comatose Hiro. However, before long, she was called forward to fight a grudge match with a fire princess.


She looked at the boy on the ground. He seems to be relatively, sort of, kind of, maybe alright. I’ll leave him here. She directed her attention to the task at hand. Her face shown with determination. She exuded confidence. I have been training so much lately, and Ares is just the kind of opponent I should be able to beat now. Hiro is not the only one who has improved during these last six months!


Their battleground was a hillside covered in rocky outcrops. Footwork would be important with this uneven ground, and crevices ready to snag an unsuspecting foot.


Ares’s voice was cruel. “Try to put up more of a fight than last time sweetie. I want to be able to hurt you. I want to make you feel so much more pain then you got to experience in our last little skirmish!”


Lisanna closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she reopened them, they were burning with a determined fire. “Then come make me feel it.” She drew her dulled training wakazashi.


Ares feet were covered in flames as she rocketed toward Lisanna, her sword still in its sheath. She jumped and preformed an aerial kick. Lisanna brushed it aside with a wakazashi and lunged forward with the other. While suspended in midair, Ares sent her other foot up into the fast approaching blade, knocking the strike up. Lisanna slashed with her first blade. This time Ares coated her leg in her protective flame and absorbed the hit.


The strike flung Ares back a few feet before she made contact with the ground again. Lisanna was already in a charge driving forward with a blade. Ares went to deflect it, but the attack went downwards before it reached her. Instead the second wakazashi came down from overhead. The flames disappeared from her legs, and her arms took on the glow instead. The impact of the dulled sword was nullified under the protection of the flames, however, the strike was never supposed to be what caused the damage.


Lisanna called out quickly. “You should have watched were you were standing!”


Her first strike had missed on purpose. The blade knocked a boulder aside that was holding back a small landslide. The shower of rocks began raining down as Lisanna jumped back. Ares lost all ability to stand, and fell forward into the hard stones. Her now unprotected legs bore the brunt of the impact.


Ares’s voice was venomous. “You cheating b***h!”


“I don’t need to cheat to beat you Ares! I just need to use my head!”


Lisanna had been training to beat Ares ever since her lose. She paid close attention to every fight Ares fought in. She would watch her style, her form, and her habits. Through this, Lisanna had realized what many missed. Ares’s flames were not a limitless resource. They were very taxing on her. She would use no more than what was necessary for the task. Others thought it was Ares showing her superiority, but Lisanna knew differently. In some of her more difficult fights, she would use a little more of her flames. When Lisanna looked into her eyes, she could see the strain that her face tried to hide. That was why she wouldn’t were her flames like armor at all times. That was why she shifted them from place to place as needed. That was why she could be beaten.


“Let’s see what good your head does you here!” Ares drew her katana and bathed it in flame.


The excitement peaked in Lisanna’s eyes. Here it comes. This is my chance to beat her. She is too direct with her attacks. Ares lacks the creativity and grace of a real swordswoman. She always thinks that speed alone will be enough. But with my two blades, I can guard nearly every angle of my body. With how short my swords are, I have higher maneuverability to deflect and counter. Her attack may come fast, but all I have to do is…


Ares surged forward; katana above her head. The phoenix’s left shoulder dipped slightly low and outside.


Lisanna already had her guard up. Her blade might be too fast to see, but if I watch were the swing initiates from, I will know where the strike will go.


As the left shoulder dropped, and the blade soon followed. It cut a path through the air down to Lisanna’s left leg. However, a wakazashi was already there. Sparks erupted from the colliding blades.


Going into a form of dance, Lisanna got inside the effective range of the katana as she parried the strike. They were face to face as Lisanna displayed impressive footwork and stepped around to her opponent’s back. She went into a half jump twirl and brought both of her wakasashi down with impressive speed. The counter happened too fast for Ares to process. One blade struck her in the back of the head, and the other across the shoulder blades.


Ares tumbled forward and landed on her already injured knees. The rocks beneath them oozed a dark red. The dust in the air clung to sweat.


“You became overconfident in you abilities Ares. You think your speed will always be enough? All this time, I have been learning real swordsmanship! You’re ability can’t always make up for your lack of skill!”


Ares was in pain. Her head throbbed, and her shoulders ached. Regardless she pushed herself up again. “Shut up b***h!!! I’ll kill you!!!” She started to rush the girl.


Lisanna’s eyes were sharp. Her chest rotated to the side slightly, and her left shoulder is tucked in. A lunge!


Lisanna step forward with her left foot, angling her body, and deflected the lunge with the wakazashi in her right hand while simultaneously sending her own lunge with the left wakazashi. It drove right into Ares stomach. As The phoenix buckled, the first blade completed a backwards arc after deflecting the lung, and slammed into the top of Ares’s head.


Rage alone kept the phoenix conscious. Her strikes became slower and even less skilled. Lisanna parried them all easily, but she no longer counter attacked. Ares frequently stumbled carelessly over rocks that should have been avoided. Gradually they approached an outcrop. At its peak sat a monstrous rock that defied logic with its balance. Ares stuck out with a poorly coordinated, but still powerful slash. Lisanna dodged the strike, but it punished the rock behind her. The outcrops face shattered under the blow, and the rock above lost its support. No longer braced, the boulder came down upon them.


Lisanna jumped out of the way, but her opponent remained. She was staggering back after her failed strike. She was light headed and delirious from the multiple blows to the head, and thus unaware of the danger.


“Ares look out!!!”


Lisanna jumped back into the path of the falling rock. Ares drew her katana to strike at her charging enemy before noticing a growing shadow on the ground. She looked up to see the falling boulder and screamed. Just then, the blonde dove into Ares’s midsection, pushing her out of the way. The rock crashed into the ground.

© 2014 whatamafu

Author's Note

I can't fix it if i don't know it's broke. Also I like a little flattery if you feel i deserve it...

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Added on July 20, 2014
Last Updated on August 26, 2014



Hello everyone. allow me to introduce myself to you all. My name is whatamafu. I am 20, I am a gamer, I am a workout-a-holic, I am an anime nerd, and I am a very amateur writer. I have recently taken .. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by whatamafu

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by whatamafu

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by whatamafu