I thought you were my friend

I thought you were my friend

A Poem by obvious pseudonym

isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back everything has changed. -annonoymous


i thought you were my friend

since when were you so nasty

those dirty looks, the whispered discusions

i didn't think they were about me


i thought you were my friend

but what you do

everything that you say

tells my differently


i thought you were y friend

and you were nice enough

to keep me coming back

just to face more abuse


i thought you were my friend

until you showed me

what you really were

a monster in disuigse


i thought you were my friend

what you did ill never forget

that massive betrayal

will never leave me


i thought you were my friend

it turns out you weren't

that whole school year

turned to rot


i thought you were my friend

now i'm stronger

now i'm wiser

now i'm more cautious


i thought you were my friend

but i'll never make that mistake again

no one will come in that close

i'll never let the true me show


i thought you were my friend

maybe someday i'll let someone in

to see my heart

or actually seee my tears


i thought you were my friends

now you think you know me

who i am, what i've been through

you have no idea


they were never my friends


© 2011 obvious pseudonym

Author's Note

obvious pseudonym
just kinda what happened last year in 7th grade

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AWWWWWWW ELLA! I WANT TO HUG YOU NOW! This was a good poem, well written and all, but I'LL GIVE YOU A BIG HUG TOMORROW AND TELL YOU THAT I'M HERE NOW TO PUNCH THOSE MEAN WITCHES IN THE FACE! THEY DIDN'T KNOW WHAT THEY HAD WHEN YOU WERE THEIR FRIEND! They're probably crying in the corner of a circular room now that you're gone.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 21, 2011
Last Updated on July 9, 2011


obvious pseudonym
obvious pseudonym

wherever i want, time machine you know, NH

so theres this fancy smancy little about me thingy on here that i have absolutly no idea what to write on sooo im just going to ramble and ramble because thats what i do best..... P.S. if you spam me.. more..
