yet another

yet another

A Poem by obvious pseudonym

just my school life. all six of them. i just hope i stay at north for all four years.


Another year another school

My 6th one I'm getting used to it

But elm was different I belonged

1-3 I was at fairgrounds

Not many friends but I didn't care

4-5 I was at Charlotte ave

I had one good friend

6th grade it was fairgrounds middle

I didn't have any friends

7th grade was pennichuck

I had friends but they betrayed me

8th grade was elm the best by far

I have amazing friends that will never leave me

Trustful and nice they made me feel like I belonged

But now my time at elm is done

Were moving on to north

but not all Some will make south their home

The first time I had real friends

And half are going away

my southies i'll miss you

please don't leave me

not when i finally know where i stand

now going to north

elm students mixed with pennichucks

which one am i

© 2011 obvious pseudonym

Author's Note

obvious pseudonym
it could be a lot better written but i didn't really feel like making it good. please ignore my spelling and grammer. it would probably make my english teachers cringe

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I recall the feeling of total regraded senses, a most talented and divine word, well done, good read.

Posted 12 Years Ago

*huggles* I'M SO SORRY YOU EVER FELT THIS WAY! It was a fantastic poem, no matter what anyone says about the grammar. If you're concerned about the grammar, an easy way to fix it would be to copy and paste it into a word document and let it fix all of the mistakes for you.

This was my favorite part:
'please don't leave me/not when i finally know where i stand/now going to north/elm students mixed with pennichucks/which one am i'

Over all, a fantastic poem! Great job!

Posted 13 Years Ago

AAAAHS ELLA! I would go to North if I could! And I would drag Megan and a few others with me! I is glad that you had a great year at school. I love and will miss you when school starts, but we have the whole summer~

Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on June 23, 2011
Last Updated on June 27, 2011


obvious pseudonym
obvious pseudonym

wherever i want, time machine you know, NH

so theres this fancy smancy little about me thingy on here that i have absolutly no idea what to write on sooo im just going to ramble and ramble because thats what i do best..... P.S. if you spam me.. more..
