A Song of Hope (or of hope for simplicity)

A Song of Hope (or of hope for simplicity)

A Poem by CD Campbell

A Song of Hope

(or of hope for simplicity)



Where there is the light, there is the bite

Of a snow tipped mountain; a pinnacle of white

To tame, climb, to know of nature in its heavy breath


As it travels down to the valley. 


I have decided today to sing of hope.  I know nothing

Of the priest’s habit or of an acidic salted earth

Or of breasts that are not soft and forgiving.


I desire only simplicity.


In the wracking strikes of lightning there is pain. 

What is there to see dancing in the substrate?

You: a brilliant vision!   My fist on a stone!


There is no song to sing but of you!

My spirit is of joy and pain,

Of fluid nutrient from root to leaf. 


The only thing to hope for is to know death,

To see death, to ignore a holy death,

To be the simple man staring at the sun,  


Becoming blind to the beauty of you. 

© 2020 CD Campbell

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Look to the simple things in life to offer joy and hope when there is darkness. I like that the light from the snow tipped mountain travels down to the valley's depths. That is both beautiful in its imagery, but also its meaning. Lovely work CD.


Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

CD Campbell

4 Years Ago

Thanks Chris. I appreciate you taking a look. That's a lot of nice comments from you.


'I desire only simplicity.
My spirit is of joy and pain,
Of fluid nutrient from root to leaf.'

The simple things in life have never really gone away have they, just become suborned to our modern, hi-tec world, which is the greatest disconnect from the natural order of things, mankind has ever embarked on.

Back from the brink I say, before we reap what we have become.


Posted 4 Years Ago

CD Campbell

3 Years Ago

Thanks Beccy. I appreciate you your comments on this. Sorry for the late reply.
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This seems to me to be like singing a song for the beauty of nature, revelling in wonderment at its simple beauty and how it remains untouched from the complications of man and his life difficulties. While we struggle with the weight of our lives; all our pains and complexities, nature just stands around us silently in all its simplicity and it makes us aspire to be just at one with it. This man doesnt need all the bullshit of life, give him a mountain and a warm sun and he is content. A most interesting poem, dear CD. Makes the reader think deeply. Much enjoyed! :)

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

CD Campbell

4 Years Ago

Thanks Jamila. I think you nailed the sentiment. These mighty things we see in nature are bigger .. read more
I said last night out loud to my husband....something has got to give. I thought that last year I'd been barely making it through and then this year hit me like a barreling freight train. I told him I didn't know if I could take anymore! Then I woke up this morning in my quarantine life, read this poem, drank my coffee, had breakfast, read this poem again, thought a great deal about its message. Now Im here...still alive...reading beautiful poetry...and figuring out the meaning of life and ...Im just here...for this moment ....that's just fine..cause Im okay! Thank you for this amazing poem!

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

CD Campbell

4 Years Ago

Yeah, things suck. Back pain, breakups, boredom, needless hatred, etc. Sometimes a good memory th.. read more
CD, I was told as young man that much of success in life is "simple" but it's not easy. It's a journey. We must overcome the bad and embrace the good. It's the good that serves as hope's foundation. It's the sunshine we know will eventually come after the darkest and coldest nights.

We often look to the snow-capped summits for inspiration. We reference them in talking about achievement and success, but we don't talk enough about the painful climb and all the times we'll fall down on the path. That's why we have hope. We need it to keep going. It's a simple thing, but not so easy, like staring into the sun and seeing anything clearly. An exceptional poem, CD.

Posted 4 Years Ago

CD Campbell

4 Years Ago

Hey Mr. Ray, thanks for reading this and giving some really nice comments. I hope to hit you back .. read more
R.E. Ray

4 Years Ago

My pleasure, CD. I always enjoy your work. Stay safe.
My son has been reading the Book of Job for the first time (he's twelve) and it's really captured his imagination. He's been working through the ways that the friends of Job come at him with all of their unsolicited wisdom and suck the energy out all while thinking they are shedding wisdom-light on suffering. So, just entering into the world of this poem, I feel that monumental, kind of Biblical pull. A call to embrace the light and the darkness and let both pass through until some sort of balance is found.

I like the ways that the voice acknowledges its own un-understanding (the priest and the farmer in their extremes of devotion or need). Like the Psalms would sometimes do, there is a reaching to invoke some kind of outside force to lend strength for that difficult climb to the white peaks. Because the beauty of the peaks is seen even from the valley--and the light from up there throws itself down and dusts everything. And even in the darkness of the tree-capped valley, the light filters through.

This poem has all the things I like about your poetry. The everyday man voice, the simplicity of language that nevertheless feels loaded with the depths of some great thing that can relate to us all, the passion and the spiritual reaching that reminds me of the ways we are both small and grand in our singularity.

So, no slacking here. Just some excellent poetry. The man and the landscape imbued with spirit and waiting for man to absorb the light. There's a lot of little details I'd like to harp on, but this is already long, so I'll just leave it at that. Don applauds you.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

CD Campbell

4 Years Ago

Don should really harp on the little details for me and be very critical. A hiatus poem never look.. read more

4 Years Ago

Well, hope your interview went well after all. Poetry will not be made to wait and will always come .. read more
Look to the simple things in life to offer joy and hope when there is darkness. I like that the light from the snow tipped mountain travels down to the valley's depths. That is both beautiful in its imagery, but also its meaning. Lovely work CD.


Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

CD Campbell

4 Years Ago

Thanks Chris. I appreciate you taking a look. That's a lot of nice comments from you.

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16 Reviews
Added on March 18, 2020
Last Updated on March 18, 2020


CD Campbell
CD Campbell

Choctaw, OK

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