Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by Angel

As I walked back to my car, I couldn't help but smile at my change of fortune. Sure, my day had started off normally, and then there had been that asswipe that wanted to ruin it...but now look at me! That Adam guy...he seemed like a really cool guy...and he's in my major! For the first time in my life, I had a real friend. This was new...and I liked it. Maybe Fortuna wanted me to have a fresh start after all. I drove home, put my stuff in my room, and headed into the kitchen to start on dinner. As I worked, for some reason I couldn't stop thinking about Adam. Whenever I met people,  I look in their eyes. That's how I get a taste of their character and determine their intentions. Adam's eyes intrigued me greatly. Although they had sparkled with humor and kindness while he talked to me, there seemed to be some shadows and sadness that clung to them. I wonder why? Also, when I told him about my mother dying, not only did he seem sorry to have brought it up....but was that a hint of grief, remorse, and understanding that I saw in his eyes as well? I shook my head, trying to straighten out my thoughts, Get a grip, Rena. You just met the guy, stop trying to question every little thing. If he wants to be your friend, whatever reason, then just trust that you'll learn everything in time. Sighing, I went back to cooking, but my mind refused to give up the puzzle.


"Lucy! I'm home! You got some 'splaining to do!" Soon as I heard my father's greeting, I felt the thought clouds break up and I smiled. "Hey Dad!" I called from the kitchen, "How was work?" He went to put his suit jacket and his briefcase in his room, and got rid of his tie, before heading into the kitchen with me. "It was fine. I got assigned a case. It smells good in here, Re," he said as he stole a piece of carrot I was chopping up. "Dad!" I said, but then he smiled and I knew I couldn't be upset with him. My father set the table and I brought out the food. "So," I said when we were seated and fixing out plates, "tell me about your case of yours?" That gave him free reign to launch into his usual after work tale-telling. As I sat there and listened, I was glad that he was happy with his work. I was happy for him, really...but again I worried about him. Was he truly happy alone? "Now that I've bored you to death with my little ramble, tel me about your first day?" My father's voice pulled me back to reality, and I shrugged. "Well, it started off the usual. Classes were easy. The campus is nice, lots of trees and grass. Cafeteria needs more selections. Oh, and I had this jackass of a football player try to, I guess, hit on me while I was eating lunch." Dad laughed at my description of him, but then grew serious. "Be careful, Re. Those type of guys think they can have everything, they're not used to hearing the word no. I'd stay away from him if I were you." "I know, Dad. He was conceited anyway. He'll forget about me by tomorrow. But there's this guy in my last two classes that was nice and friendly...and oddly, he wants to be my friend." My father raised an eyebrow, "Your 'friend', eh?" "Yes, Dad. He talked to me like a decent person. Turns out, he's a junior like me, and is even in my major! He's a Witch like I am also, and my impression of him overall seemed to be that he's a good person." My father's look softened, "Well, you always did have an amazing sense when it came to people's characters. I'll trust your judgement. I"m proud you're finally making friends. A girl your age needs to get out of the house sometimes." I gave him one of my looks, " know I have to take care of you." He looked at me with mock anger, "Nonsense! I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself." "Dad...can you cook? Clean? Do laundry? I think I rest my case." He chuckled at me and then nodded. "Okay, okay. You're right. Look, I'll make a deal with you. You have your life, hang out with this new friend, make more possibly, and have fun. I'll learn how to take care of myself. Alright?" I looked at him, mind racing to try to find any loopholes that'd help him weasel out of responsibility..."Only if you agree that after you learn how to take care of start dating again. If I'm going to be out 'having fun' as you say, I don't want to have to worry about you being all alone. Take it, or no deal." Now it was his turn to look at me, hoping to find some loophole as well. One downside of being a lawyer, you taught me all your tricks...I smiled, knowing I had won. Finally, he relented. "Alright. It's a deal. You win this round, Councilor, but look forward to my appeal." I laughed, and we continued dinner


After dinner, my father helped me clear the table and even helped me with the dishes--drying after I washed, I guess to start on his end of the bargain. Then, he gave me a hug, wished me sweet dreams, and retired to his room to watch hockey and prepare for work the next day. I went up to my room and put my iPod on it's speakers and started playing my lighter mix. The only homework I had was some reading in Biology, and so I finished that up quickly. I changed into my pajamas and braided up my hair for the night, then crawled into bed with my Mary Higgins Clark novel. However, for once, I couldn't focus on my reading. My mind was still going over the deal I had made with my father. Why is my father trying to push me out and be sociable?  is he worried about me being alone like I'm worried about him?  That thought kinda scared me alittle. I hate to admit it, but as much as I wanted my father happy, I realized that I was sacrificing myself as well. Didn't I deserve somebody also? I sighed, determined not to think about it until a later date. I switched my music over to my sleep mix, turned out the light, and settled down to rest. However, my last thoughts before sleep claimed me was...I wonder if I'll see Adam tomorrow?




Josué was the first to notice me smiling. "Adam, what happened? You look so happy!" Even Tyre' and Jaq had to agree I looked different. "I met the new girl. She was in both of my last classes." Everybody reacted at once. "Was I right about her?" asked Jaq. "Is she really pretty?" asked Tyre'. "Did you talk to her?" asked Josué. I took a breath and answered them all at once. "Yes you were. She's beautiful. And we talked in both classes." They all started congratulating me as we walked up to the Japanese place. We ordered some food and sat down, and they continued to badger me with questions. "She's a Witch like us. She's indescribably beautiful. Has a cute smile and a nice laugh. And her mother is dead too..." Tyre' chimed in, "Well, looks like you've got a lot in common. You two should be a couple by the end of the week." Then Jaq put in his two cents, "It doesn't work like that, Ty. He's got to win her over. Sweep her off her feet. Be a gentlemen." "No," Tyre' chimed back, "He just has to be himself." "Not with that temper of his and he needs to work on his looks." Then the two of them started arguing, and I looked over at Josué. "Guess I have no say in the matter, huh?" But he wasn't listening to me, he was looking across the way at this guy. I looked over as well, just out of curiosity. He was kinda average height, had short blond hair, was cute in a boyish way. I looked back  at Josué, "So, who's he?" "He's this freshmen in my writing class. His name is Damien Reynolds." A freshmen, huh? Josué is a junior. I guess it could work out... "Have you talked to him yet?" Josué looked away from Damien and at me, fright in his eyes, "Oh now. I couldn't. I mean, he's a freshmen. Also, you know I'm not good with strangers." I gave him a hard look, "Look, everytime I got into despair about not finding love, you were optimistic. Now it's your turn. Just walk up to him in class next time and say something about him looking lost and offer your help since you're an upperclassmen. Then just talk to him. Who knows, he could your prince...or at least a new friend until your prince comes along." Josué smiled and thanked me, cheering up immediately. "Say, when did you get so helpful?" he asked me. "I don't know...I just feel...hopeful." Then he smiled again and gave me a wink, "I think that girl is good for you already. What's her name?" "Rena...Rena Montgomery."


After we ate, Jaq and Josué left to head to work, and Tyre' (who was mad after the argument) said she wanted to go to the mall and do some 'retail therapy'. Great, more stuff crammed into her room...I thought as I drove home alone. Since I had time by myself, I began to ponder over Rena. I surprised myself when I invited her to hang with me and my friends...I'd never done that before. But her...well, it wasn't a was more like a interested me. She said her mother was dead, and she had to rush home to make dinner for her father. I guess she's attached to him... I began to feel depressed. I had family too, but I blamed myself for them being gone. Everyone said it wasn't, no one could be blamed because it was just a gas leak. It would have been a matter of time before something happened. But they failed to realize, I was the one who lit the candle. My sister said to wait until the next day, and we could have gone outside to the fire pit. But no, I wanted it done that night. And it wasn't like it was an emergency or anything. Sigh, no wonder I was so angry at the world...I felt  all that guilt. Time had healed some of the wounds, but the guilt wouldn't go away. And now Rena...she looked so sad when her said her mother had died...I wonder what happened? Then I was surprised, was I actually trying to sympathize with another? I must have been changing. That, combined with the fact I gave Josué advice....I realized in wonder that I wasn't being selfish anymore. I was caring for others! If only that was enough for this spell...but it's a start. I got home and went to my room, still thinking about this new revelation, when I remember something Jaq had said. "He's got to sweep her off her feet." I didn't know how to do that...then I wondered if Rena was even the type of girl who'd like that sort of stuff. I had some serious thinking to do...


Later on that night, I went out to the patio to think. The moon was waning, so I was safe from changing. I was plotting on what to do about Rena, if anything. She called me her friend, so maybe I should work on that first. By being friends, I'll learn her likes, dislikes, and more importantly, I'll get to be with her. And, as friends, she can learn about me...and maybe that could lead to something. I looked up to see the stars, and thought about how they shined like the twinkle in her eyes. Sigh, what if we only stay friends and she doesn't love me like I love her... I know I was being somewhat morose about it, but I had to be realistic. It was August, my birthday was in October, and then the Harvest Moon was in November...that only left me with three months to be her friend, earn her trust and most of all, her love. Could it be done? One thing is for sure, she'll never love me if she finds out what I truly am....a monster.....

© 2011 Angel

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Added on May 13, 2011
Last Updated on May 13, 2011



Statesville, NC

I am a 19 year-old girl who's firey and outspoked. I say almost anything that's on my mind and I'm not afraid to defend myself, others, or what I believe is right. I am cool, calm, and collected. I en.. more..

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